The next carnival will be hosted here two weeks from today.
If you would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival. Past host blogs include Provocative Church, Grasping For the Wind, Blog For Democracy,Got Bible?, and What a Concept!
The last edition of the Georgia carnival can be found at What a Concept!, and the carnival archives are found here.
Now… on to the highlights of Georgia blogging during the past two weeks:
Georgia Bloggers Receive a Well Deserved Nod
I’ve been a little preoccupied of late with various duties such as attempting to be a child of God, wife, mother, teacher, and writer so I was late in knowing that Creative Loafing had published their Best of Atlanta, 2007 list, however, it was just in time for the carnival, and it seems there were a few nods to a few of our Georgia bloggers.
Blogging isn’t easy especially if you have a “life”. Only those involved in the process know the effort it takes to continuously update a blog with information, musings, and sometimes just plain goofy gaggle that others might want to read and view.
My first inkling that the list was out was when I visited The M Theory and read his hearty congratulations to Grift Drift from Drifting Through the Grift in his post Creative Loafing Gets One Right. Yes, they certainly did!
The information over at Creative Loafing provides their explanation for naming Grift Drift as Atlanta’s Best Blogger. It states:
Since starting Drifting Through the Grift in March 2006, GRIFTDRIFT has attracted a loyal following with his easygoing online persona and his trenchant commentary on important local news stories. His finest achievement: his posts this spring and summer that chipped away at the mountain of political, legal and media hypocrisy surrounding the Genarlow Wilson case. When the U.S. attorney in Atlanta ripped the Douglas County prosecutor for having distributed a video of Wilson and an underaged girl having sex, his statement was uncannily similar to the ones GriftDrift had been making for weeks.
Creative Loafing also gave a nod to Peach Pundit as best political blog by stating, Peach Pundit’s stable of insiders also occaisionally scoops the news wires and dailies, especially during the General Assembly. Simply put, if it involves politics in Georgia, someone’s talking about it---and you can, too---on Peach Pundit.
Braves Journal, Kiss Atlanta, Cable and Tweed and Thoughtmarker also received recognition from Creative Loafing.
Standing Up and Fighting For Your Rights
Hope of Georgia is a website for Homeowners Opposing Power-line Encroachment. Perhaps you saw the news reports here and here regarding Ms. Worley, a Barrow County grandmother, who is being threatened by eminent domain. She was subjected to arrest and everything that goes along with it, for attempting to speak to someone who was on her property. See the press release here.
When Dale Cardwell was a reporter he was always at the ready to help a citizen in need. Now that he’s a bona fide politician are things still the same? Facing the Sharks is asking, “Dear Dale Cardwell, will you help me?”
The State of Education in Georgia
The Education Wonks is not a Georgia blog, however, this week EdWonks posted an excerpt from an AJC editorial regarding education reform. Lord knows we need some. Maybe you missed it……Read The Free-Radical Approach to Edureform. What do you think of former Governor Roy Barnes and Charles Knapp’s ideas on how our schools should change?
If we are going to change the way we teach our students to meet the demands of the 21st century then it is clear our teacher education programs must also change. This is a serious issue, however, there are some humorous things you need to know before being a teacher that the ed schools don’t tell you either. Fellow teacher Splitcat Chintzibobs provides Things They Don’t Teach You in Teacher School Part One and Part Two
Power to the people! Sit-ins, Make Love Not War!, and other 60s jargon---language from days gone by, right? Savannah Red has discovered that protest demonstrations are alive and well on college campuses including Georgia Tech.
Peaches and Purls provides some insight into the wild world of teaching and how students today react to violent tragedies.
The Other Athens is discussing school accreditation
Political and Social Issues
Blackwater…….Just the name sounds like a group with evil intent. Liberal Lucidity provides the path to more information.
Spacey Gracey advises former President Bill Clinton went angry on Anderson Cooper’s show last night about the ad….the ad that keeps on giving. See her take on it here and see Erick’s point of view on “that Cleland ad” here.
“America is lost and dislocated because we have moved the landmarks of our liberty.” Interesting comment…..Otter at Grasping for the Wind shares Notes: A Sermon by Hon. Governor Mike Huckabee. This is a sermon he gave at First Redeemer Church in Cumming, Georgia a few days ago.
I know that the Jena 6 have been on many minds in Georgia lately, however, there was an important anniversary this week. Another History Blog posted an important image from the event….an image that any student of American History has seen over and over. Our friendly professor provides the image and information regarding something you may have wondered about. I always had.
A brand new blogger, George Warren, wants us to think about it. Head on over and welcome this brand new blogger and check out some of his other postings.
How many times in recent days have you head the words mortage, foreclosure, and housing market said on the news? Red Clay Commerce weighs in with Fraud, Fraud, Laudering, and Fraud.
Speaking of affordable housing The Other Athens says Not!
What about mortages and money issues? Everything Finance Blog offers Features That Decrease the Resale Value of Your Home and Saving For Kids College Education
The issues can be so frustrating…..let’s move on to ----
Art and Other Diversions
Amo provides Dogwood for us to gaze upon and even possible purchase. Even online it looks soooooo real.
Bloggyvision has some great Bill Dance outtakes. Bloopers with a fishin’ pole and bass boat…..
Idle Minutes shares a view of Rose Hips.
Maggie and Bandit want you to know it’s almost time for the Savannah Wiener Dawg Races
Having a picnic at Oakland Cemetary…It sounds like a blast….a blast from the past. Ok, bad teacher humor, I know. Ashes and Glass makes its carnival debut with Friends in Cemetaries. Check the picture out….the thrift reminds me of my grandmother.
I’m not sure if I would classify Michael Vick as a diversion anymore. The whole story has become as irritating as a gnat buzzing around your ear….Of Eagles and Dawgs states the ESPN Town Hall Meeting was a sad, colossal waste of time.
The next edition of the carnival will be found at here on October 12th. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form.Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!