Welcome to the Georgia Blog Carnival…
The bloggers featured here are all part of the extensive list of bloggers from Georgia I have listed in the right sidebar of this site. Any Georgia blogger can submit a post to the carnival, or a blogger from another state or country can submit a post for inclusion if the topic is Georgia related.
If you have a Facebook profile you can now become a fan of Georgia on My Mind. Look for the link to join the group located in the right sidebar.
I remain engrossed in my efforts to categorize all of the Georgia blogs on the blogroll. Several new categories were added this week including “painting and drawing”, “travel and tourism”, and “photography”. I will be adding new categories every few days for the next month. Check back often.
The next carnival will be published here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, September 11th.
Submissions will be due Thursday, September 10th.
If you maintain a Georgia blog and would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival.The last edition of carnival can be found here and the carnival archives are found here.
Now on to the carnival:
Hot Topics…
James from The Other Athens announces a protest event against “the various healthcare ‘reform’ proposals put forth by congressional Democrats and the Obama Administration scheduled for tomorrow at Oconee Veterans Park.” More information can be found in his post Oconee Healthcare Reform Protest.
Jason with Georgia Legislative Watch provides data from New Polls Regarding the Georgia Governor's Race.
Jim Galloway with the AJC's Political Insider posted Kasim Reed's Thoughts on Gay Marriage. In case you are unaware Kasim Reed is a current Atlanta mayoral candidate.
GriftDrift at Drifting Through the Grift says Finally, the Mayor's Race Heats Up.
Buzz Blog shares Mary Jo Kopechne might have been a catalyst for Ted Kennedy's career
Is it immoral to complain about tax money going to bail out people who made poor decisions? Some on the Christian Left think it is. Over at Considerettes Doug discusses how good stewardship requires that we make good use of our resources both corporately via the government, and more importantly, “individually” with our charitable dollars in his post titled Economic Morality and Responsibility: The Prodigal's Older Brother.
Speaking of taxes The Other Athens shares The Howling where James states, “I’ve been making this same point for years. Whether it is the latest iteration of SPLOST, or Homeowner Tax Relief Grants, or an increased hotel/motel occupancy tax, we are constantly being assured that someone else will pay for our local expenditures. But it does not work out that way, does it?"
Ethnic Opining
Over at Project Logic GA Slyram is discussing that saggy baggy pants thing, and makes some very good points with Black Beauty, Sagging Pants and Funny Names.
Over at An African American Analysis Freddie Sirmans states, “Nothing has been more devastated by the welfare state than the African American community in the USA.” He also asks, “Why is there out of control violence in the African American community?”
High School Sports
High School football is off and running. James over at The Other Athens provides SCHS Pigskin Update and states, “This year’s campaign will not be an easy one, as several opponents on the [Stephens County High School] schedule are ranked in preseason polls: the AJC has Flowery Branch at #3 and LaGrange at #4 in its AAA top 10….”
Keep up with all the match-ups and scores at WSB-TVs high school sports page.
Parenting and Legalese Connections
Michael Neff over at Atlanta Personal Injury Blog relates interesting findings from a new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Is anybody out there comprehending and listening???? Read Michael’s post, For Parents, Child Household Safety is Something that Can and Needs to be Taught.
Out and About in Georgia
Wren's Nest Online has published a few pictures of the interior of the home. See Sneak Peek of Wren's Nest Interior for some great views including Joel Chandler Harris’ bedroom. For those of you not in the know the Wren’s Nest is the home of Georgia’s own Joel Chandler Harris. From the site itself….Harris’ fame as a result of the popularity of the Brer Rabbit tales made him a reluctant celebrity in his day. Harris was second in literary fame only to his good friend and admirer Mark Twain. Theodore Roosevelt visited the home during his trip to Atlanta, and his gift to Harris, a stuffed owl, can still be seen looking down on the family’s library.
The Initiative to Protect Jekyll Island has published their most recent newsletter. You can read it here. It includes the newest update regarding development on Jekyll and several announcements.
Chris Moncus shares his Fourth of July photos (has it already been nearly 8 weeks?!?) here . All I can say is….WOW!!
If you are looking for something different to do with the kids….or even adults Southern Byways has a solution for you. Sometimes something different is right in your backyard. Check out Hidden Gems: Bear Hollow Wildife Trail in Athens, Georgia.
Fieldtrips With Sue recently began a new feature called Inside Scoop which is a series of questions with an attraction insider. Check out her post Inside Scoop on Atlanta Braves for Kids where Sue interviews Meagan Swindle with the Atlanta Braves regarding special activities for kids.
A little History, Of Course
Over at History Is Elementary I took a history question from a good friend and turned it into a post regarding German immigration during World War II with Putting the EZ Into Easing Into America.
In my post Thars Gold in Them Thar Hills I examine the nation’s first gold rush. No…..not 1849 and no, not California. Try North Carolina….even better... try 1799!
An Announcement from the Atlanta Audubon Society
Catherine with the Atlanta Audubon Society contacted me the other day to give me some information to relate about six distinctive gardens on display southeast of Metro Atlanta in Peachtree City and Fayetteville. The purpose of the tours is to demonstrate how people can preserve the region’s wildlife and, more broadly, its biodiversity by cultivating native plants and other essentials for wildlife survival. All of the sites have been certified by the Atlanta Audubon Society as wildlife sanctuaries. More information on the requirements of a sanctuary can be found here.
Tours will take place Saturday, September 12 from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Advance tickets are on sale for $12 by calling the Atlanta Audubon Society at 678.973.2437. Tickets are also available on the day of the tour for $15 at the first and last sites. Children 12 and under are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.
More information on the sites can be found here. I was very excited to discover two of the locations involve the Sams family of Fayetteville. What????? You don’t know who Dr. Ferrol Sams is!!!! Here’s a short article from Georgia Magazine and make sure you check out a listing of his works here. I read his short novel, Christmas Gift! to many of my groups of fourth and fifth graders and they always loved it (there were some parts I had to gloss over and leave out).
Georgia Roads
Georgia Road Geek's blogmaster, Steve, shows us what a wrongway multiplex is as he tries to navigate a confusing route through Rome, Georgia in his post Let's Get the US 411 Connector Built.
Literature and Art
Sara’s post titled The Feather and Butterflies over at Ashes and Glass is where she begins a series reflecting on a class she attended at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center . Go see her art and how it connects to her dreams. I love the colors!
Flannery O’Connor is one of Georgia’s most popular authors. Recently Paw Paw Bill took a trip to visit one of O’Connor’s home close to Milledgeville called Andalusia. Check out his post Flannery O'Connor's Milledgeville.
Felicia over at Fluffy Flowers has been celebrating the anniversary of Woodstock with Plushstock and through midnight on August 30th you have an opportunity to vote on her entry…PLUSH AMP. I agree with Felicia….Make Plush, Not war!
Writing Craft
Jennifer Escalona writes at a new blog on the Georgia blogroll titled The Life and Times of a Freelance Writer. On her about page Jennifer explains she is an Atlanta-based, Pushcart-nominated author and full-time freelance writer. Her goal in life (and I think this is a very worthy one) is to learn something new every day. In her post Heartsick, Footsore, and Addicted: Avoiding and Embracing Writer Stereotypes Jennifer takes an interesting look at the writing life and its consequences.
Jackie K. Cooper has been on the blogroll for awhile. His blog is the place to find all sorts of entertainment reviews and columns. Well……Jackie should be congratulated because he has been invited to become a regular contributor/blogger to Huffingtonpost.com . Check out his first contribution with his post Pat Conroy's Ode to Charleston.
Religion and Culture
Over at "Got Bible?" I ask the question, Is Your Wanter Stuck? Think about all the things or situations you want right now. I bet we could fill up a page or two with all the things we want from the insignificant (removing a hangnail) to the very significant (world peace)…from the small (a bracelet at the local department store) to the very large ( a new car, a cruise, or a new home). Yes! This is the post where I explore that so very Biblical concept…..”to covet.”
And Finally….An Announcement from the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau
Amanda Latson with the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau contacted me recently to clue me in on several Atlanta opportunities. Here’s what she told me:
1. Outdoor Explorations: Backyard Adventures in Atlanta....60 percent* of people who plan to take vacations are hoping to economize their leisure travel by finding less expensive activities or meal options. Plan an adventure in your own backyard and take advantage of the free offerings and money-saving hotel packages this withBackyard Adventures, now extended through the fall. Not sure what you want to do this weekend? Play the How do You ATL?game and design a personalized, interactive picture of Atlanta based on your unique style and preferences.Tell us what you didin your Backyard Adventure and you could win your own Backyard Adventure prize package.
2. Take a Hike...VisitStone Mountain Sky Hiketo trek through the treetops on the nation’s largest family adventure course. During the day, explore Sky Hike’s quarter-mile course of suspended wooden bridges and ropes and finish off the night on the great lawn with Stone Mountain Park’s LaserShow Spectacular.
3. See the City in Style……Hop on a bike with Bicycle Tours of Atlanta and explore the city on two wheels. See the city’s architecture, historical sites, in-town neighborhoods, dining, entertainment and some hidden jewels off the beaten path. Also tour Atlanta with flare on Segway Tours Atlanta. Beginning at Underground Atlanta, this three-hour tour gives you a new and interactive way to discover the city.
4. Root, Root, Root for the Home Team…..Head to Turner Field and cheer on the Atlanta Braves as they contend for the National League East division title. Visit Turner Field on a Friday night and stay after the game for theFriday Night Fireworks Show.
Well, that’s it for this edition of the Georgia Carnival.
Please support these fine Georgia bloggers by letting them know you have visited them with a comment. Your continued support with your links and shout-outs at your site helps to alert others to what we Georgia bloggers have to offer.
The next edition of the carnival will be found here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, September 11th. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form. Submissions are due by Thursday, September 10th by 6:00 p.m.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Become a Fan of Georgia On My Mind on Facebook
Georgia Bloggers: Painting and Drawing

Cosmic Persona Designs
Eat It All
Foothills and Highlands
Southern Plein Air Painters
Zinnia Art Studio
Do you know about a Georgia blog that discusses painting and drawing I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Georgia Bloggers: Tourism and Travel

Atlanta on the Cheap
Film Georgia
Southern Byways
The Atlanta Traveler
Urban Baboon
Walk of Shame
Wrens Nest Online
Do you know about a Georgia blog that discusses tourism or travel I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Georgia Bloggers: Photography

The following list represents the Georgia’s Blogs on the blogroll here at Georgia on My Mind that contain photos on a daily or regular basis:
Do you know about a Georgia blog that discusses photography or serves as a photo blog I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Georgia Carnival: Edition 58
Welcome to the Georgia Blog Carnival…
The bloggers featured here are all part of the extensive list of bloggers from Georgia I have listed in the right sidebar of this site. Any Georgia blogger can submit a post to the carnival, or a blogger from another state or country can submit a post for inclusion if the topic is Georgia related.
I remain engrossed in my efforts to categorized all of the Georgia blogs on the blogroll. Several new categories were added this week, and I will be adding new categories every few days for the next month. Check back often.
The next carnival will be published here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, August 28th. Submissions will be due Thursday, August 27thth.If you maintain a Georgia blog and would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival.
The last edition of carnival can be found here and the carnival archives are found here.
Now on to the carnival:
Hot Topic…..Health Care Reform
Slyram provides an opinion over at Project Logic GA with the post Palin Isakson and the Healthcare Debate stating, “Stop right there and let me give my take on the difference between misinformation and lying.”
Hmmm…..does something smell fishy????? James is all about the “fish” aspect of the health care reform debate. Check his post out titled Red Fish Blue Fish over at The Other Athens.
and here are the latest postings from some other political blogs on the blogroll:
Erick at Confessions of a Political Junkie offers CBO Tells Congress That Should Obamacare "Work", It'll Drive Up Costs.
GriftDrift at Drifting Through the Grift gives us Town Hall Twist and Shout….his take on Hank Johnson’s recent town hall meeting with voters.
Jason at JasonPye.Com weighs in with a notice……Jim Marshall to Hold Two Town Hall Meetings
Religion and Culture
Recently my pastor gave a series of sermons on building in margin in our lives…..slowing down, concentrating on what’s important….that sort of thing. Doug Payton over at Considerettes discusses a different kind of margin in his post Marginalized by the Bible. Doug tells me his post is part of a segment he does for the Shire Network News. He discusses an exhibit in Glasgow, England where patrons were allowed to write in the margins of a Bible. The results were not what the artist intended.
Out and About in Georgia and Beyond
Over at Fluffy Flowers Felicia shares with us a colorful visit to Lockerly Arboretum in Middedgeville, Georgia….. a former home of Georgia author Flannery O’Conner.
Speaking of Flannery O’Connor, Paw Paw Bill visited O’Connor’s Savannah home on Lafayette Square and shares pictures and tales of O’Connor’s backward walking chicken in his post Flannery O'Connor's Savannah.
I have to agree with Paw Paw Bill concerning his love of Savannah. I have my own love affair with the place well. My husband and I spent the day there on July 28th, our anniversary. Over at History Is Elementary I posted a video of images from various squares and other areas of Savannah complete with music and a little text thrown in here and there…….the video is titled Street Scenes From Savannah.
Mr. Elementaryhistoryteacher and I had actually been to MY St. Augustine….and hit Savannah on the way home and in case you missed it –
last weekend was spent at the West Georgia Balloon Festival.
Over at Atlanta With Kid Travel Blog we are given glimpse into one family’s trip to Asheville, North Carolina…..a great destination. Check out Weekend Escape From Atlanta....Asheville, NC. There’s so much more to Asheville than just the Biltmore estate.
Passing the time with our Passions
In her post Slow Exposures 2009 Donna, The Barefoot Photographer, provides a look at her two submissions to this years Slow Exposures photography exhibit, a showing that celebrates the rural south and preserves those images and scenes that we all remember and are gone.
Amy over at The Q Family Adventures Travel Blog provides 5 Tips for the Newbie in Family Backyard Camping……Amy states, “As a newbie in the camping world, I have learned a lot during our first family backyard camping. The vast varieties of camping products are mind-boggling. Who knows, there are that many types of tents, sleeping bags and sleeping pads.”
Hmmm…..Blogging and using social media can be a passion, can’t it? At least it is around here at my house. Sometimes I’m a little too passionate about it.
Mostly Media's own SpaceyG has decided to help us muddle through the social media jungle by providing us with Social Media Cooking School. I sincerely hope episode two isn’t far behind because I recently jumped into the mix at Facebook much to the chagrin of my 20-something son and teenaged daughter. Help me, SpaceyG!!!!!!
And what about security on the Internet and our privacy…..
Ariel Silverstone's blog has a tagline that states, “Leadership and innovation in risk management and information security”, and he’s also passionate about physical security, technology evangelism, and public speaking. In his most recent posting, The Maine Event....a Discussion Regarding Maine's New Privacy Law…..he gives us the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Literature and Art
Over at the Wrens Nest Online Lane has posted a great analysis titled 1967 Editorial Condemns Segregation at the Wren's Nest and Praises Uncle Remus. Lane states, "The editorial is a damning criticism of the Joel Chandler Harris Memorial Association that ran our museum until 1983. But it’s also an eloquent defense of Joel Chandler Harris and Uncle Remus that is just as relevant today as it was 40 years ago.” Go….go now and read……the post is top-notch!
Paul’s blog, Classic Ground, is a site that mixes beliefs and premises related to art, cultural literacy, and even a little Notre Dame football. He recently wrote about R.A. Miller, a folk artist. In his post titled, Lord Love You, Paul states, “[The exhibit] Lord Love You [is] drawn entirely from the private collection of Carl and Marian Mullis, [and] presents many of Miller’s best known themes – God, country, popular culture, and animals – plus some art highlighting his social and religious commentary.”
This Southern Thing of Ours
Where Insulin Meets Insolence: Lynne's Pancreatic Prattle is a brand spanking new blog to the Georgia blogroll. Lynne writes that she is a freelance writer and registred pharmacist (those are good to have around, ya know?) and she resides in North Georgia where she is very proud of her native status as a Georgian and loves the fact that she grew up in the rural south of our fair state. She also tells me she’s so full of herself that she maintains two blogs. Gee, do you think I should tell her I maintain three? :) Enjoy Lynne’s post, Southern By the Grace of God which examines all of those stereotypes that we native Southerners must endure.
Lynne’s other blog, I Have Measured Out My Life in MP3s also recounts her journey as a born and bred Southerner who is married to a wonderful man, a mother to a precocious four-year old, characterizes herself as intolerant, vain, opinionated, somewhat lazy, verbose, and fluent sarcasm. Yep, she’s a Southern woman, all right! Yet she continues that she does believe in Jesus, Rick Bragg, family values, childhood innocence, shoe shopping, and the Harvard comma. Lynne does have a secret though……..read her post She Don't Use Jelly to discover what it is.
Another new blog on the Georgia blogroll is the blog of Michael Lawson Neff, an Atlanta based personal injury attorney. His topics range from national law topics to topics of local interest from a legal point of view. In his postDo Red Light Cameras Prevent Accidents?, a particular camera is examined that was reactivated in Duluth, and he provides some interesting data.
Colleen over at Facing the Sharks asks the questions, “Should the Georgia Court of Appeals candidates for judge be allowed to solicit donations from lawyers and corporations, even though they may appear before the judge for litigation?” See her post Justice For Hire ...Now Pay the Nice Judge a Campaign Donation
Education News and Views
Well, it’s begun…..the schoolyear, that is. Donna, over at Sew Blessed has posted the annual back to school pictures, yet something’s a bit different this year. Ian is beginning the 11th grade…..head on over to Yet Another First Day of School and see something unusual. Yes, examine the pictures very, very carefully. Let us know if you find something amiss! :)
Switching gears to address the money side of education James at The Other Athens compares one school system to the one in his area and asks, “What Do They Know That We Do Not?”
Well, that’s it for this edition of the Georgia Carnival.
Please support these fine Georgia bloggers by letting them know you have visited them with a comment. Your continued support with your links and shout-outs at your site helps to alert others to what we Georgia bloggers have to offer.
The next edition of the carnival will be found here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, August 28th. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form.
Submissions are due by Thursday, August 27th by 6:00 p.m.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
The bloggers featured here are all part of the extensive list of bloggers from Georgia I have listed in the right sidebar of this site. Any Georgia blogger can submit a post to the carnival, or a blogger from another state or country can submit a post for inclusion if the topic is Georgia related.
I remain engrossed in my efforts to categorized all of the Georgia blogs on the blogroll. Several new categories were added this week, and I will be adding new categories every few days for the next month. Check back often.
The next carnival will be published here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, August 28th. Submissions will be due Thursday, August 27thth.If you maintain a Georgia blog and would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival.
The last edition of carnival can be found here and the carnival archives are found here.
Now on to the carnival:
Hot Topic…..Health Care Reform
Slyram provides an opinion over at Project Logic GA with the post Palin Isakson and the Healthcare Debate stating, “Stop right there and let me give my take on the difference between misinformation and lying.”
Hmmm…..does something smell fishy????? James is all about the “fish” aspect of the health care reform debate. Check his post out titled Red Fish Blue Fish over at The Other Athens.
and here are the latest postings from some other political blogs on the blogroll:
Erick at Confessions of a Political Junkie offers CBO Tells Congress That Should Obamacare "Work", It'll Drive Up Costs.
GriftDrift at Drifting Through the Grift gives us Town Hall Twist and Shout….his take on Hank Johnson’s recent town hall meeting with voters.
Jason at JasonPye.Com weighs in with a notice……Jim Marshall to Hold Two Town Hall Meetings
Religion and Culture
Recently my pastor gave a series of sermons on building in margin in our lives…..slowing down, concentrating on what’s important….that sort of thing. Doug Payton over at Considerettes discusses a different kind of margin in his post Marginalized by the Bible. Doug tells me his post is part of a segment he does for the Shire Network News. He discusses an exhibit in Glasgow, England where patrons were allowed to write in the margins of a Bible. The results were not what the artist intended.
Out and About in Georgia and Beyond
Over at Fluffy Flowers Felicia shares with us a colorful visit to Lockerly Arboretum in Middedgeville, Georgia….. a former home of Georgia author Flannery O’Conner.
Speaking of Flannery O’Connor, Paw Paw Bill visited O’Connor’s Savannah home on Lafayette Square and shares pictures and tales of O’Connor’s backward walking chicken in his post Flannery O'Connor's Savannah.
I have to agree with Paw Paw Bill concerning his love of Savannah. I have my own love affair with the place well. My husband and I spent the day there on July 28th, our anniversary. Over at History Is Elementary I posted a video of images from various squares and other areas of Savannah complete with music and a little text thrown in here and there…….the video is titled Street Scenes From Savannah.
Mr. Elementaryhistoryteacher and I had actually been to MY St. Augustine….and hit Savannah on the way home and in case you missed it –
last weekend was spent at the West Georgia Balloon Festival.
Over at Atlanta With Kid Travel Blog we are given glimpse into one family’s trip to Asheville, North Carolina…..a great destination. Check out Weekend Escape From Atlanta....Asheville, NC. There’s so much more to Asheville than just the Biltmore estate.
Passing the time with our Passions
In her post Slow Exposures 2009 Donna, The Barefoot Photographer, provides a look at her two submissions to this years Slow Exposures photography exhibit, a showing that celebrates the rural south and preserves those images and scenes that we all remember and are gone.
Amy over at The Q Family Adventures Travel Blog provides 5 Tips for the Newbie in Family Backyard Camping……Amy states, “As a newbie in the camping world, I have learned a lot during our first family backyard camping. The vast varieties of camping products are mind-boggling. Who knows, there are that many types of tents, sleeping bags and sleeping pads.”
Hmmm…..Blogging and using social media can be a passion, can’t it? At least it is around here at my house. Sometimes I’m a little too passionate about it.
Mostly Media's own SpaceyG has decided to help us muddle through the social media jungle by providing us with Social Media Cooking School. I sincerely hope episode two isn’t far behind because I recently jumped into the mix at Facebook much to the chagrin of my 20-something son and teenaged daughter. Help me, SpaceyG!!!!!!
And what about security on the Internet and our privacy…..
Ariel Silverstone's blog has a tagline that states, “Leadership and innovation in risk management and information security”, and he’s also passionate about physical security, technology evangelism, and public speaking. In his most recent posting, The Maine Event....a Discussion Regarding Maine's New Privacy Law…..he gives us the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Literature and Art
Over at the Wrens Nest Online Lane has posted a great analysis titled 1967 Editorial Condemns Segregation at the Wren's Nest and Praises Uncle Remus. Lane states, "The editorial is a damning criticism of the Joel Chandler Harris Memorial Association that ran our museum until 1983. But it’s also an eloquent defense of Joel Chandler Harris and Uncle Remus that is just as relevant today as it was 40 years ago.” Go….go now and read……the post is top-notch!
Paul’s blog, Classic Ground, is a site that mixes beliefs and premises related to art, cultural literacy, and even a little Notre Dame football. He recently wrote about R.A. Miller, a folk artist. In his post titled, Lord Love You, Paul states, “[The exhibit] Lord Love You [is] drawn entirely from the private collection of Carl and Marian Mullis, [and] presents many of Miller’s best known themes – God, country, popular culture, and animals – plus some art highlighting his social and religious commentary.”
This Southern Thing of Ours
Where Insulin Meets Insolence: Lynne's Pancreatic Prattle is a brand spanking new blog to the Georgia blogroll. Lynne writes that she is a freelance writer and registred pharmacist (those are good to have around, ya know?) and she resides in North Georgia where she is very proud of her native status as a Georgian and loves the fact that she grew up in the rural south of our fair state. She also tells me she’s so full of herself that she maintains two blogs. Gee, do you think I should tell her I maintain three? :) Enjoy Lynne’s post, Southern By the Grace of God which examines all of those stereotypes that we native Southerners must endure.
Lynne’s other blog, I Have Measured Out My Life in MP3s also recounts her journey as a born and bred Southerner who is married to a wonderful man, a mother to a precocious four-year old, characterizes herself as intolerant, vain, opinionated, somewhat lazy, verbose, and fluent sarcasm. Yep, she’s a Southern woman, all right! Yet she continues that she does believe in Jesus, Rick Bragg, family values, childhood innocence, shoe shopping, and the Harvard comma. Lynne does have a secret though……..read her post She Don't Use Jelly to discover what it is.
Another new blog on the Georgia blogroll is the blog of Michael Lawson Neff, an Atlanta based personal injury attorney. His topics range from national law topics to topics of local interest from a legal point of view. In his postDo Red Light Cameras Prevent Accidents?, a particular camera is examined that was reactivated in Duluth, and he provides some interesting data.
Colleen over at Facing the Sharks asks the questions, “Should the Georgia Court of Appeals candidates for judge be allowed to solicit donations from lawyers and corporations, even though they may appear before the judge for litigation?” See her post Justice For Hire ...Now Pay the Nice Judge a Campaign Donation
Education News and Views
Well, it’s begun…..the schoolyear, that is. Donna, over at Sew Blessed has posted the annual back to school pictures, yet something’s a bit different this year. Ian is beginning the 11th grade…..head on over to Yet Another First Day of School and see something unusual. Yes, examine the pictures very, very carefully. Let us know if you find something amiss! :)
Switching gears to address the money side of education James at The Other Athens compares one school system to the one in his area and asks, “What Do They Know That We Do Not?”
Well, that’s it for this edition of the Georgia Carnival.
Please support these fine Georgia bloggers by letting them know you have visited them with a comment. Your continued support with your links and shout-outs at your site helps to alert others to what we Georgia bloggers have to offer.
The next edition of the carnival will be found here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, August 28th. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form.
Submissions are due by Thursday, August 27th by 6:00 p.m.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
West Georgia Balloon Festival
I attended the West Georgia Balloon Festival this past Saturday, August 8, 2009. It was very interesting watching the balloons being launched. It was even just as interesting people watching at the event.

If you visit this link you can see another video (not mine) that includes the balloons after dark……Outstanding!!!!!!!!
Georgia Bloggers: Decatur/Dekalb County

Decatur Metro
Dekalb Officers
in Decatur
Masterworks Studio
My Daily Struggle
Next Stop Decatur
Do you know about a Georgia blog that discusses Dekalb County or Decatur I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Georgia Bloggers: Rural Life

A Snowball's Chance in...
Andrea's Picture of the Day
Country Charm
C's Corner
Foxes Earth
From Melissa's Desk
Southern Somedays
Wayfarer's Journey
Do you know about a Georgia blog that discusses rural life I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Georgia Bloggers: History and/or History Education

Do you know about a Georgia blog that discusses history and/or history education I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Georgia Bloggers: City Living

Arc of Time
Ashes and Glass
Asian Cajuns
Atlanta's Blah Girls
Bombchell in Atlanta
Cable and Tweed
Drive a Faster Car
Duane Moody
I Saw It on Ponce
Inside the Perimeter
KISS Atlanta
Nia Knowles: Westend
Random Atlanta
Stumptown, GA
Do you know about a Georgia blog that discusses city living I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Georgia Bloggers: Marketing

Atlanta Marketing Center
Babyboomer Insights
Burning Desire Marketing
Chief Prognosticator
Concept Hub, Inc.
Event Streams
Marketing Through the Clutter
Do you know about a Marketing Georgia blog I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Georgia Bloggers: Going Green

Green Peaches
Foodshed Planet
Sustainable Dunwoody
Do you know about a GREEN Georgia blog I haven’t listed? Please contact me at gamind@mail.com to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
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