If you have a website and are interested in hosting an edition of The Georgia Carnival, please let me know via this email address: gamind@mail.com.
Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about the last edition. As always links to the carnival are much appreciated.
Next week’s edition will be hosted by Elisheva at Got Bible? Writers are invited to send contributions to: elisheva@writeme.com or use this handy submission form.
Submissions should be received no later than Midnight Thursday, March 1, 2007. Please include the title of your post and URL, if possible. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the carnival should be posted sometime Friday, March 2nd, and now, on to the carnival…
Politics and Controversy
Regarding the evolution debate….Why are we still debating? The whole thing has taken an even stranger turn this week with a memo flitting about here and there apparently with the blessing of a Georgia state legislator. Decaturguy is writing about the evolution memo making the rounds. Find out all about it here and here. Didn’t we settle the Earth, axis, revolving thing a long, long time ago?
I was able to catch a few minutes of Uncle Neal earlier today and he was in rare form. We don’t always agree, but just like my father he’s usually right in the end. Apparently I’m not the only one who is grateful for Boortz. Grayson from The Spacey Gracey Review was also listening this morning and is grateful God Sends Us Neal Boortz Some Days.
Griftdrift at Drifting Through the Grift is also writing about state legislators and hot button issues, but he thinks his guy is an Impressive Legislator. Griftdrift also passed out a few valentines this week. Check out Happy Valentine's Day, Screw You to see who made the cut.
Okay, So One Is a Twit….no, not the evolution or creation supporters. Michael over at Valtool's Box is discussing the Dixie Chicks. So is Grayson at The Spacey Gracey Review.
Georgia Facts and History
A Rome Thirteen is a post about the fair city of Rome, Georgia provided by Terrell from Alone on a Limb.
History professor David Parker over at Another History Blog gives Dade County's Secession a Debunking.
It’s not exactly Georgia history but I offer up A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of Wine, and Thou in my post over at American Presidents Blog where I weigh in occaisionally. I would have loved to have been invited to a Thomas Jefferson meal.
Great Losses
Adam Fogle from Peach Pundit remembers Charlie Norwood in his post Memories of a Memorable Man.
Button Gwinnett has been reading the AJC obituaries and found a remarkable woman to share with his readers. Find out what he learned about Natalie Cohen in his post A Little Inspiration From an Obituary.
Is there such a thing as “being made for each other”? Otter at Grasping for the Wind
resurrects a previous post titled Love Theory.
Bill Reichart, our upcoming host on March 14th, is thinking about Spiritual Friendships over at Provocative Church. He says they consist of trust, relationship, listen and learn, and connect.
Paige at The Avery Lane Experience thinks parents need to just settle down especially when discussing parenting styles. After having three difference parent conferences today I agree with Paige…..I Wanna Be Sedated.
Do you think boys and girls play differently? Over the years I’ve observed at least 100 children playing on the playground at one time. Check out Peachpod’s comments for Sticks over at Peaches and Pearls for my opinion.
Diversions and Interspection
Terrell at Alone on a Limb provides this link to some pictures taken in downtown Rome.
Jane at Cozy Reader posted 13 Things She Would Never Do. What would be on your list?
Notice her great layout when you visit. It’s the expert work of Bluebird Blogs, another Georgia blogger. Go on over and check out her work.
Nicki at Casadenicki wonders The Grammys: How Dead Is Rock and Roll?
Do you ever wonder about being transported back in time to experience life in another generation.? I do. Celeste over at C's Life has been making butter. Read about the experience complete with a photo slide show here.
I continually try to remember to stop and be thankful…to stop and count my blessings. Terrell from Alone on a Limb recently posted his Sunday Seven. What are you’re top seven blessings?
Richard of Shadowscope is pondering blogvertisements. He asks, How Much Is Too Much?
So there you have it…edition four. The next edition will be found at Got Bible? on Friday, March 2, 2007. Submissions will be accepted through 6 p.m. eastern time on Thursday, March 1. Submissions can be emailed to elisheva@mail.com or use the handy submission form here. The prior edition of the carnival can be found here.
Thanks for the nod to my blog. I appreciate it!
You are very welcome. It's a very worthy read!
These are some good ones here. thanks for including me.
I enjoyed reading your blog tonight. I lived in Georgia in Powder Springs from 2000 to 2005 and buy do I miss it. Blessings.
Thanks for visiting Celeste and Abiga!
thanks for adding me to the roll--but it doesn't link to me! help?
Sorry Ellie Bee....I'm fixing it.
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