The next carnival will be hosted here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, July 4th. Submissions will be due Thursday, July 3rd.
If you maintain a Georgia blog and would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival.
The last edition of the Georgia carnival can be found here, and the carnival archives are found here.
Now… on to the highlights of Georgia blogging during the past two weeks.
Travel and Things to Do
I think I’ve heard of everything now….Claudine shares Canine Cocktail Hour at Hotel Indigo posted at The Atlanta Traveler, saying, "Cute dining option for pets and their owners at Hotel Indigo."
Over at The Q Family Adventure, Amy has posted Take Me Out to the Ball Game... sharing their last family outing to the ball game at Turner Field.
Tushar Mathur provides Maui After Dark posted at Travel-Eat-Sleep. Wouldn’t a Hawaiian vacation (without the kids) be great?
Over at Exurban Adventures Buzz Brockway presents Ground broken at Gwinnett Braves Stadium that includes some video and pictures of Jeff Francoeur, John Schuerholz, and others at the ground breaking ceremony for the Gwinnett Braves new stadium.
In case you missed it I went to Chastain the other night.
Issues and Opinions
Paw Paw Bill provides in interesting look at the increasing gas prices along with a smidge of supply and demand economics with SUV Wars
Tushar Mathur presents Simple Foreclosure Solutions posted at Everything Finance.
Freddie Sirmans discusses the gas crisis and what must be done to keep the trucks rolling
Religion and Related Matters
From Bill Reichart over at Provocative Church, "Don't Come to My Church!?" Is it true that a pastor would really say that about his church? ...read more to find out what he means.
Over at Got Bible? I relive a few memories in my post Memories Old and New: Vacation Bible School.
It might be summer vacation, but the issues don’t take eight weeks….
Ethan over at Never Clever Whatsoever gives us Another Rant about Georgia's CRCT Scores. I’ve already told him what I think….now it’s YOUR turn.
James presents SPLOST: A Case Study and Questions About Those SPLOST 3 Bonds posted at The Other Athens.
James is also concerned about his local system system rejoining the Consortium for Adequate School Funding in Georgia with his postings Second Verse, Same As The First and Running The Numbers On The Consortium. And of course, we always need an overview with On The Clarke County Board of Education which is apparently where Chaos Reigns.
Over at History Is Elementary I recently responded to a CBS News report regarding truancy with my post A Cure or Placebo?
Paw Paw Bill provides a thoughtful response to the phrase “one of us” with his post Your Father's Oldsmobile.
James presents 10th District Campaign Update posted at The Other Athens.
Over at Mostly Media SpaceyG takes it upon herself to critique the latest political ad in Georgia’s U.S. Senate campaign with Making the Least Out of New Media.
Water Woes…They Aren’t Gone Yet
Over at Beer Pong is Never a Good Idea Russell responds, “Water this.”
Getting There is Half the Fun
The Georgia Road Geek shares A New Toll Road For Gwinnett County?
Forget the Roads….Give Me Some Nature
Fighting the traffic in Atlanta and her suburbs we forget the simple pleasures in life. Enjoy Terrell’s nature romp with Give me home where the cone-flowers bloom... posted at Alone on a Limb.
Literature and Online Reading
Tushar Mathur has an angle on a Free: Website Magazine posted at Everything Finance.
Over at Grasping For The Wind John shares his latest review of Destroyermen by Taylor Anderson.
The latest issue of Moonshine, a magazine of the southern arts is available online (& free) here.
Please support these fine Georgia bloggers by letting them know you have visited them with a comment. Your continued support with your links and shout-outs at your site helps to alert others to what we Georgia bloggers have to offer:
The next edition of the carnival will be found at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, July 4th.. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form.
Submissions are due by Thursday, July 3rd by 6:00 p.m.Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
The Carnival is such a great showcase. Thank you for your efforts. I am proud to be included.
Thanks, I always appreciate your comments. I enjoy seeing all the different postings as well.
Thanks for including my post on this great carnival.
My link back is up at http://the-q-family.blogspot.com/2008/06/around-blogosphere.html
-Amy @ The Q Family
As always, my thanks as well.
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