The bloggers featured here are all part of the extensive list of bloggers from Georgia I have listed in the right sidebar of this site. Any Georgia blogger can submit a post to the carnival, or a blogger from another state or country can submit a post for inclusion if the topic is Georgia related.
There has been so much going on in my neck of the woods this week with the flooding that it has made it a little difficult to stay focused and get the carnival together. I apologize for the lateness in posting. I hope I haven’t inconvenienced anyone.
The next carnival will be published here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, September 11th. Submissions will be due Thursday, September 10th.If you maintain a Georgia blog and would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival.
The last edition of carnival can be found here and the carnival archives are found here.
Now on to the carnival:
In the midst of the floods in Douglasville a tragic crime occurred Monday night when Mary Ann Humphrey, a clerk at the Circle K convenience store on Stewart Parkway in Douglasville…..MY town…. was murdered…..I’ve embedded a video of the crime below.
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office website states, “Wanted in connection with the homicide at the Circle K store on Highway 5 at Stewart Parkway that occurred Monday, 9-21-09. If you recognize the person in this photo please call Lt. Bruce Ferguson at 770.920.4902. The person is believed to be a white or Hispanic male approximately 5’2” to 5’8” tall.”
WSB-tv has also run a Crimestoppers story found at this link which includes an interview with the victim’s brother. I happened upon a meeting with him on Friday quite by accident and was amazed at his stoic strength in the wake of such a shocking tragedy.
From a local video company, A-1 Video Productions comes this video, and to see what citizens in the area are saying about this senseless crime check out the Topix threads here and here.
Homicide at Circle K on Hwy 5 and Stewart Parkway from Channel 23 on Vimeo.
Georgia Floods ‘09Throughout the carnival you will see some of the pictures from of the devastation in my neck of the woods. The pictures were taken by Wayne and Melanie Bearden, very good friends of mine and Kevin McKoy, my pastor. …..Just two of the tragic flooding stories from west of Atlanta this week.
Shawn Allison is trying to Stay Dry and has a video of the flooded Chattahoochee River.
Over at Mostly Media Grayson D. shares Talking Twitter Hashtags In Crisis Communication/Atlanta Flood 2009
I didn’t have any damage to my home, but we did have a tree come down....

Arts and Crafty Stuff
Bugs Hugs is a new blog to the Georgia blogroll presented by Andrea. She’s a stay-at-home mom and she likes to sew and do a little painting here and there. In her most current post, Go Green! Buy Locally! Eat You Vegetables.... Andrea advises, “Every year, the Georgia Farm Bureau Women’s Committee chooses a different commodity to promote. This year, it is vegetables, with an emphasis on being green and buying locally!
Personalized Sketches and Sentiments is also a new blog to the Georgia blogroll written by Maria, a self-taught artist creating unique sketches. She’s been taking orders since 1985. Seriously….go look. Her work is amazing and unique, but the look of her blog is pretty cool as well. ok See her latest work here.
Jewelry anyone? Jenjie's Crafty Stuff has some great jewelry and other things for you to look at and buy. This is a new blog to the blogroll as well.Donna over at The Barefoot PhotographerⓇ presents Shelter Dog in May -- Art Show Entry in October…..a picture and post about about a very special pet.
Salmongirl has posted Dreams of A Secret Agent over at Ashes and Glass…….more artwork inspired by dreams….AWESOME!

Freddie Sirmans over at Doomsday Log Book believes the Economic Recover is BS and thinks Teaparties and Townhalls Are a Waste of Time
William Cotter presents Health Care Option posted at Paw Paw Bill

Visit Media Connection….a program of conversations about social media news, trends and innovations. A recent posting includes a conversation with Marketing Expert Toby Bloomberg
Sherry Heyl presents Spotlight on Lens On Atlanta posted at LISTEN, CONNECT, INFLUENCE, saying, "I am very excited for PBA and for Atlanta that we have been able to launch this site as a means to connect the citizens throughout metro Atlanta."
Thomas L. Strickland presents More From the Director’s Vlog - Time Flies and Fair Is Foul posted at GRABBINGSAND, saying, "Our non-profit theatre company is producing Macbeth on the grounds of Barrington Hall. What better time to experiment with producing a somewhat irregular video blog?" So cool!

If you have a Facebook profile you can now become a fan of Georgia on My Mind. Look for the link to join the group located in the right sidebar.
Please support these fine Georgia bloggers by letting them know you have visited them with a comment. Your continued support with your links and shout-outs at your site helps to alert others to what we Georgia bloggers have to offer.
The next edition of the carnival will be found here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, October 9th. Posts can be sent to or use the handy submission form. Submissions are due by Thursday, October 8th by 6:00 p.m.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!