The little of town of Knoxville, Georgia is so small you wouldn’t have heard of it even if you drove right through it. It’s the county seat of Crawford County, but it only has about 800 people living there. Even John Pemberton, the founder of Coca-Cola left town as a young boy and moved to Columbus.
Who knew that small, unassuming Knoxville, Georgia would be the birthplace of one of the most recognizable state icons in the nation…dare I say the world?
Who knew that particular state icon would be the brainchild of a seventeen year old girl?
Earlier I wrote about the formation of the Georgia Battalion. As it moved through the Knoxville area on the return trip to Texas Johanna (Joanna) Troutman was moved by the romanticism of the moment and the fervor for independence….so much so she took one of her silk white petticoats and fashioned a flag…the FIRST Lone Star flag.
A San Antonio newspaper from 1934 mentions::
“on each side of the flag, in the center, was placed a large azure star of five points. Above the star on one side was the inscription, ‘Liberty or Death,’ and on the other the Latin motto ‘Ubi Libertas Habitat Ibi Patria Est’ (Where Liberty dwells, there is my country).”

Troutman never set foot in Texas, but an article by A.C. Greene advises two pieces of silver belonging to Santa Ana was sent to her after his capture in appreciation for her efforts. (Wouldn’t you like to know where the silver is?)
She died in 1879 and was buried next to her first husband near Knoxville. In 1912 her body was moved to the Texas State Cemetery where a bronze statue stands to honor her.
Johanna (Joanna) Troutman’s portrait also hangs in the Texas State Capital.
There’s more information about “The Betsy Ross of Texas” here.
…..and if you are wondering why I’m re-running some past posting my explanation can be found HERE