Finally, the last grade has been entered, the last lunch count turned in…….school is out for summer, and I’m thrilled. My list of things to do around here at Georgia On My Mind as well as History Is Elementary is a mile long and a foot thick…look for some changes, look for some blogroll additions, and look for some regular posting on everything Georgia including politics….an area I’ve neglected of late.
I don’t normally like to promote myself first around here, but since I haven’t been blogging regularly I’d like to share a few reasons why in my recent post Herding Cats and 12 Other Reasons I've Not Posted About Education Lately. In this post I share a link to my end of the year letter I share with each and every student I teach. It has become a tradition that students know about and look forward to receiving.
There’s another Georgia fourth grade teacher who also shared his end of the year gift to students this week. Terrell, over at Alone on a Limb, begins each posting with poetry. This week he shared Crystal Stair, a post that details how he provides a final farewell to his students on the last day of school.
While I’ve tried to share with you some of the reasons why I have been slow to update Georgia On My Mind, Professor Parker over at Another History Blog provides some of his reasons for not posting of late in his post Meanwhile....Back in Kennesaw.
Harriette, from South of the Gnat Line, offers Defining Middle Age. What’s your definition?
You know all women who have enjoyed the ectasy of childbirth have their own personal “birthin’ story”. We share them with each other as badges of honor that they really should be. As children of the south we also have other stories we share as badges of honor some more than others. Those of us that grew up during those days after the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 have a special story to tell as well and though Griftdrift’s postings run the gamut between childhood impressions of those early days of whites and blacks being in the same classroom to an exploration of the disparity of black baseball players today he really hit home with me in Innocence Lost Part I, Innocence Lost Part II, and Innocence Lost Part III. If you only have time to read one submission from this edition of the Georgia Carnival then read these offerings from Drifting Through the Grift.
Resident Alien has some news you can use about your checking account over at Life of a Resident Alien.
Recently my own pastor preached about image and idol worship. I often wonder if my blogs have become idols at certain points for me. Pastor Bill gives us 35 Sure Fire Ways to Get to the Heart from his site Provocative Church. I think we all need a bit of self-examination from time to time, and Pastor Bill has provided a plan.
During our last carnival I shared a posting from the Richmond Democrat concerning Neil Boortz. Apparently RD is now a newcomer to our state with Sweet Georgia Blue and takes on our fair haired son and former president, Jimmy Carter, as well as our own AJC. The Richmond Democrat inquires The Worst President in History?
Well, it’s summer and the readin’ is easy! One of my sweeties at school surprised me this morning with a $25 online gift card to Amazon. I can’t wait to go shopping later and spend it. Otter from Grasping for the Wind challenges us to take some chances on new reading material in his post New Notions 5 Reading Challenge-- -Join Now!. The goal here is to challenge your thinking on any topic. I believe this is a worthy undertaking for everyone. You can join anytime during the summer and there’s already several people signed up. Great idea, Otter!
Georgia Photos has some great pics of Historic Homes of Adairsville posted by Stephen. He also provides us with another perspective of Mudslinging in Georgia. You politicos need to go and take a gander….
Button Gwinnett of Liberal Lucidity fame asks, “Dogfighting? What's the Problem?.
Finally, this is Memorial Day weekend and we should remember that it’s not about a cookout, a swim, or a trip to the beach. Our Miss Vickie who is Beyond the Crossroads shares A Memorial Day Post With a Little Help.
The next edition of the carnival will be found here two weeks from today. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
Thanks for putting up the Carnival. School is out, put your feet up, relax and take it easy.
Bill from ProvocativeChurch
Bill is right on. Thanks for including my post.
Even tho I ain't no Georgia boy myself, I e-mailed your blog to my family in Buckhead...so they would look you up!
Blog has been lookin good.
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