Monday, September 29, 2008
Responsibility...Silly, Silly Word!
Read the rest of my rant here
Friday, September 26, 2008
Georgia Carnival: Edition 45
Welcome to the Georgia Blog Carnival!
The next carnival will be hosted here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, October 10th. Submissions will be due Thursday, October 9th .If you maintain a Georgia blog and would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival.
The last edition of the Georgia carnival can be found here , and the carnival archives are found here.
Now… on to the highlights of Georgia blogging during the past two weeks.
Creative Loafing’s annual Best of Atlanta is out……The critics picks regarding blogging announced best local blogger as the team over at Pecanne Log.
The critics also named David O'Brien's Braves Blog as the best columnist not found in the pages of the AJC.
Readers picked the Blissful Glutton as best blog.
Many, many congrats!
Well, Sara from Ashes and Glass has been a busy girl. Did you see her on the news? As many of you may know Troy Davis received a stay of execution this week.
Susan over at Patchwork Reflections shares The Last Bivouac from the Georgia National Cemetery in Cherokee County.
I took some much needed time to recooperate this week and stayed away from blogging, but I did manage to post over at History Is Elementary a few things about John Wilkes Booth you might not know.
Recently GriftDrift over at Drifting Through the Grift posted Reindeer Games…..ever wonder why more private political fundraising gatherings aren’t covered by the media?
Literary Rock Stars? Is there such a thing? Yep, there is. Felicia from Fluffy Flowers provides an excellent review of the recent Decatur Book Festival.
Over at Bill Shipp Online I found out this morning that Obama Has Dropped Georgia TV.
Urban Flats at Lindburgh has been reviewed by Chow Down Atlanta….and don’t worry….the food is exactly the same as their Lawrenceville location.
The Frisbee Report asks, “Do we have a living Constitution?"
William Cotter presents Alpo On Sale posted at Paw Paw Bill where he discusses the Depression in relation to the economic mess we are in today, and in his post Blank Check former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, asks, “Why should Wall Street get bailed out by me when I’m getting screwed?” A very apt question if you ask me.
Angela Otwell from amo, provides a new painting, seasonally appropriate titled Still Haunted.
Kudos goes out to Georgia blogger, Legaleagle. His blog, LegalEagle Judgments has been invited by, one of America’s top internet service providers, to join “Media Outrage,” to reveal and review the most outrageous media bias.
In case you’ve been busy the saga to save Jekyll Island continues….posted right here at Georgia on My Mind.
Finally, I wanted to let everyone know that O, The Joys along with another blog has revived the ROFL Awards. You can participate by nominating a post for the September ROFL Awards. The deadline is October 1st. You can find out all about it here.
Well, that’s it for this edition of the Georgia Carnival. Please support these fine Georgia bloggers by letting them know you have visited them with a comment. Your continued support with your links and shout-outs at your site helps to alert others to what we Georgia bloggers have to offer:
The next edition of the carnival will be found at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, October 10th. Posts can be sent to or use the handy submission form. Submissions are due by Thursday, October 9th by 6:00 p.m.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
Saving Jekyll...The Saga Continues

I recently received the following by email and wanted to share it. Pay close attention the highlighted sections with information regarding how you can help:
When the Jekyll Island Authority’s (JIA) board of directors first announced its intent to undertake a comprehensive redevelopment of Jekyll Island State Park, a number of organizations urged the board to employ professionals in public land planning for the purpose of identifying the best path to follow in revitalizing the Park and to determine extent to which Jekyll can handle more development without negatively affecting the quality of the experience enjoyed by its visitors and without compromising the island’s environment or wildlife habitats.
Responding to public encouragement, the Authority recently conducted a planning study called an “Analysis of Long-Term Impacts of Development on Jekyll Island.” The study, which was done for the JIA by the Bleakly Advisory Group (BAG)—the consulting firm that selected Linger Longer Communities as the JIA’s private partner and helped write the request for proposals for the controversial Jekyll town center—marks a milestone in the history of the Jekyll development issue, as it offers a forecast of where BAG believes the Authority must head if it is to acquire the financial resources to maintain, operate and further develop Jekyll Island State Park and to boost visitation to desired levels.
Designed to provide an analytical framework for considering the appropriate level of future development on Jekyll Island, BAG’s study may prove to be one of the most important and influential documents in the history of Jekyll Island State Park. With its recommendation for increasing the number of Jekyll’s hotel rooms, condos and cottages from its existing 1,624 units to 3,700 units, and with its projected boost in the island’s average daily population from the existing 6,000 to 15,000 in peak season, the BAG report, understandably, has raised some eyebrows.
BAG will be holding a meeting at 2:00 on September 29th at the Jekyll Convention Center to summarize the report and take questions from the public. Anyone interested in the future of Jekyll Island State Park should consider attending this meeting.
People who will be unable to attend the meeting but would like have their voices heard at the session may send their comments or questions to the Initiative to Protect Jekyll Island State Park (IPJI) by writing to
The IPJI will then incorporate the input it receives into the questions its representatives will raise at the meeting.
A summary of the BAG report, and the full report itself, can be found at the IPJI’s website, Save Jekyll Island
You can see other posts I’ve written regarding Jekyll Island here and here.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wordless: Providence Canyon

Providence Canyon State Park is located in Lumpkin, Georgia near the Alabama-Georgia state line and Walter F. George Resevoir. It falls within the confines of Stewart County.
Aren’t the colors amazing? The state park site states that the result of the erosion is several million years of geologic record has been exposed. Minerals have stained the sediments and that’s why we see colors that range from white to various shades of pink, purple, red, brown, yellow, and black.
Providence Canyon is one of the places you can view the very rare plumleaf azalea (it’s found only in southwestern Georgia and eastern Alabama). It blooms from mid to late summer.
Once colonists moved into this area of Georgia they cleared the land and took no measures to avoid soil erosion. By 1850 ditches three to five feet deep had been cut in the land per New Georgia Encyclopedia.
The issue of erosion seems like a bad thing so you might wonder why locals came up with the name Providence. Apparently the name stems from a church named Providence Methodist Church that had been established in 1832. The church and a schoolhouse stood on land that now lies between the main gorges. In 1859 a new church was built across the road from the canyon and is used occasionally today per the New Georgia article.
This is my third Wordless Wednesday foray here at Georgia on My Mind. You can visit with other Wordless participants here.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Three Additional Blogs – I love the header at this blog……just go look at it. Marcus states, “Our world is hungry for better public speakers. Being a good speaker never goes out of style. The movers and shakers in our world are all incredible speakers.” Head on over and check out the services he offers to help get you in that select group of people. Check out his interview with speaker and management consultant, Joe Cooke.
The Frisbee Report – The author of this blog, Michael Frisbee, is the Douglas County Chairman for the Constitution Party of Georgia. This blog provides Conservative Constitutional insights on today’s American government and those that govern her, as well as, the policies that they foist upon us. A recent post advises Paul is not a sore loser---He's just trying to wake America up!
My Vine Spot – You won’t be able to find this blog listed in the Georgia blogroll because this blogger hails from Virginia, however, you will be able to find his link within my blogroll for friends of Georgia. I found this site through some research I was doing and since I like wine, well…..I stayed around and read a bit. Seems this blog’s author’s mother lives in our fair state and he visits here in the land of plenty from time to time. Check out this post where Dezel shares how he attended the 20th Herndon Labor Day Jazz & Wine Festival in Virginia. Great food, great wine, and great jazz. What a combo!
If you are a Georgia blogger and would like for me to link to you please email me at .
Friday, September 12, 2008
Georgia Carnival: Edition 44
Welcome to the Georgia Blog Carnival!
The next carnival will be hosted here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, September 26th. Submissions will be due Thursday, September 25th.
If you maintain a Georgia blog and would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival.
The last edition of the Georgia carnival can be found here , and the carnival archives are found here.
Since the last carnival two new categories have been added to help folks find the Georgia Blog they are looking for. Those categories are Family and Everyday Life as well as Politics. Look for more categories to be added each week.
Now… on to the highlights of Georgia blogging during the past two weeks.
Never Clever Whatsoever’s author….Ethan…..proves once again my own personal education theory that students always see through the insaneness public education has become. In his post Math Class Ethan explains that Georgia has instituted new math standards yet they aren’t even finished leaving his very qualified instructor and his fellow students hanging. Go weigh in on this issue and give Ethan your opinion.
For many Georgians if I say “Chattanooga” they might respond Civil War battle. While others might respond with the word aquarium, but there’s much, much more to our neighbor to the north…..Amy from The Q Family Adventure says, “Take a day trip from Atlanta to A Fun Day at Creative Discovery Museum in Chattanooga.”
Speaking of the word “aquarium” Jennifer from Atlanta on the Cheap provides Dive into Deals to See the Georgia Aquarium saying, “Use one of these deals to visit the Georgia Aquarium on the cheap.”
John over at Grasping for the Wind provides an interesting article where he begins, “This week, I asked our participant bloggers to discuss their opinions on using maps in Science Fiction and Fiction.” See all of the responses in his post Ask the Bloggers: Mapping SF and F.
We’ve heard a bunch of speeches lately due to the political process. How are you at public speaking? I’m very comfortable with nine and ten year olds, but I often quake in my boots when faced with speaking to large groups unless I’m absolutely prepared. Marcus Smith of says, The fear of public speaking is ridiculous. Look inside to find out why.” Check out his post 3 Undeniable Reasons Why Public Speaking Fear is Ridiculous.
From Online Video Hacks Kevin Fleming provides some information concerning how to Watch Heroes Season 1 Online.
Paw Paw Bill provides Drill, Drill, Drill saying, “Democrats just don’t seem to be able to learn. They keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Unlike the Republicans, who keep doing the same thing and wanting the same result.”
With his post St. Paul Appeasement Paw Paw Bill takes a look at McCain’s VP choice and states, “Honorable as McCain’s service to his country has been, suffer as he did, a grateful nation will not likely elect him President as its way of saying thanks. He will need an idea or two for cleaning up some of the messes left behind by George Bush. Even if the polls show voters are ready for change, McCain can not just christen himself the candidate for change, while clinging to the failed policies of the Bush economy and Bush war.
Over at Quilts and Creativity Maria Peagler has written to Julia Wallace, editor of the AJC. Check out her Open Letter to the Atlanta Journal and Constitution. Maria’s a long-time subscriber and she’s upset over recent cutbacks and her local reporters who are leaving the paper in droves.
Over at Georgia Politics Unfiltered Andre Walker is discussing DeKalb County Elections Extends Early Voting Hours. I think the extensions are great. I took advantage of the extended hours in my own Douglas County and found it to be very easy and enjoyable. I hate lines!
Andre also has an opinion regarding why Democrats keep loosing……Educational Elitism Is One Reason Why Democrats Keep Losing. Andre had notice something about Democrats. “….they seem to think that they’re smarter than everyone else. And then they scratch their heads in amazement when a “less intelligent” candidate than theirs walks in and hands them another electoral defeat.”
High school football is now in full swing and James over at The Other Athens provides a Stephens County High School Pigskin Update here.
Felicia from Fluffy Flowers has been outdoor walking and is offering mushroom brain redux for those of us questing to see interesting images.
Treatment and Accountability Court?!? Ever hear of it? James over at The Other Athens gives Credit Where Credit Is Due regarding a particular program and in his post Talking Trash he really is…..literally.
Troy Davis is in prison and the State of Georgia has schedule him to die on September 23rd. Perhaps you saw his plight detailed on the news last night. Sara Ashes over at Ashes and Glass has posted some links to educate you regarding Mr. Davis, a video, and a way for you to help if you are so inclined. Read her post titled Do This Right Now.
Angela M. Otwell from the amo site shares another painting with us in her post titled Dogwood Tree
Pastor Bill from Provocative Church says, “Watch this video from a group of friends in East Atlanta and how they showed God love in a practical way by transforming a community.” Access the video at his post tittled You got BENCHED!
Dan Matthews from Oconee County, Georgia Politics - Recreation, News, Art, Music, Culture, Sports and More is discussing rednecks. He says, "Oconee County is the reddest of the red counties in a red state, still with our proximity to Athens we would like to think the rednecks remain due north of Atlanta, but alas...." Follow the rest of his comment in his post Frightening anti-Obama encounter in Oconee County.
Christmas in September? Yes, you can never be too early in book with Christmas planning. Jen from Jen's Genuine Life has found a great source for all of us who dislike the hectic pace and frazzled results the four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas can become. Check out Jen’s post Christmas (Planning) in September? for some much needed H-E-L-P.
The Georgia Road Geek also known as Steve Williams keeps all of us advised regarding our road conditions and changes. In this edition of the Georgia Carnival he provides An I-520 Update From South Carolina
James at The Other Athens gives us some quick hits on local and state political doings in no particular order with his post Impertinent Observations. He discusses the election for the Clarke County Board of Education here.
Did you know Jackie K. Cooper’s fifth book is coming out this month? The Sun Remembers (published by Mercer University Press) is a collection of stories where Cooper remembers a life well lived. As each new day dawns, the sunrise provides us with memories of our past and in that way helps to shape our present and future. Jackie is avaiiable for booksignings and speaks to various groups. Look for information at Jackie's site or at your local bookstore.
Brandy Nagel over at Georgia Tech has been in touch again to advise the next environmental presentation at Georgia Tech. It will be on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 from 12 noon until 2:00 p.m. The presentation is titled Addressing Environmental Challenges in the Southeast Through Green Building Technology and will be given by Dennis Creech, the Executive Director of Southface Energy Institute. The presentation will be held at the Centergy Building at Technology Square which is also 75 5th Street, NW….3rd Floor…the Hodges Room in Atlanta.
Well, that’s it for this edition of the Georgia Carnival. Please support these fine Georgia bloggers by letting them know you have visited them with a comment. Your continued support with your links and shout-outs at your site helps to alert others to what we Georgia bloggers have to offer:
The next edition of the carnival will be found at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, September 26th. Posts can be sent to or use the handy submission form. Submissions are due by Thursday, September 25th by 6:00 p.m.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remembering September 11th

I wanted to share this image with you today because when we remember September 11th we tend to head off to New York instantly.......The Pentagon is a site of remembrance on Patriot's Day as well.
My own September 11th memory can be found here. Other posts regarding terrorisim and other visions of 9/11 are here.
This post also appears word for word at History Is Elementary. Over at “Got Bible?” I ask, “Where was God on September 11th?”
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Why Aren't We Listening?
Recently I spent ten days in a hospital and witnessed the heavy load nurses have and connected the dots between their working experience and mine. No matter how fast a nurse scurries from one patient to another it is so very easy to berate them, fuss at them when we are upset with the doctor, and feel as if they have ignored us while we lay prone in our hospital bed.
Other professions that are so key to our wellbeing that also suffer from the noone-listens-to-me syndrome is our firefighters and law enforcement individuals.
One area of employment I think has been greatly ignored is the military man. To understand the Iraq mess it seems to me we should be listening more directly the soldiers on the ground, the soldiers that have witnessed things first hand. However, in order to obtain these first hand accounts and opinions you really dig for them or rely on the young men you know. I received this video the other day........a former soldier telling Obama why he favors what the United States has done in Iraq.
Monday, September 8, 2008
New Blogs on the Blogroll!

Georgia Library Media Association-the purpose of this site is to provide collaborative communications from school library media specialialists in Georgia. I found the recent article regarding web page images and their formats to be quite interesting.
Jillian, Inc.-the tagline here states “life, laundry, and lip gloss”. Basically what we have here is the daily journey of a wife and mother with a full-time job and house in the suburbs. Jillian says, “Take a Diet Coke and call me in the morning.” I have to agree.
Burning Desire--A Marketing Blog- Laura Folio’s tagline states examining modern marketing and how it sells you everything you never knew you always wanted. A recent post indicates coupons are making a comeback
Atlanta on the Cheap-a great site for freebies, deals and steals if you live on a budget in the metro area. The site is fairly new with more and more content daily. One recent post explains how you can obtain free admission to the High Museum of Art
Meandering Minds-Shhhhhh! Christi and Jarrett are having a baby, and she’s almost here. This is a wonderful blog where Christi has detailed her pregnancy. Her child will one day find it quite intriguing. Christi also includes trips to the lake and pet pictures. I’m looking forward to seeing the wee one grow through blog entries. is a vegan geekgoth editor in Atlanta, Georgia…..she also likes to knit and has a dog that has been recently "fixed".
If you are a Georgia blogger and would like for me to link to you please email me at .
Friday, September 5, 2008
Georgia Bloggers: Family and Everyday Life

Mommy Matters
Abnormally Normal
Amy's Random Thoughts
Belle of the Blog
Country Charm
Cozy Reader
C's Life
Dixie's Diner
Do You Have Issues?
Dogwood Girl
Fieldtrips With Sue
Fred's Finds n Follies
From Melissa's Desk
Georgia Mom
Georgia Peach Slices
Girl in Georgia
Homeschool Journey
I Will Take It Lord, All You Have to Give
I'm Not Hannah
Jen's Genuine Life
Jewelz Sightings
Jillian, Inc.
Keri's Korner
Life as Leigh Sees It
Life at Number 17
Live the Life
Madness, I Say
Meandering Minds
My Daily Struggle
My Home Sweet Home
Oh, the Joys!
Reverend Mommy's Random Thoughts
Rose Cottage
Secret Agent Mama
South of the Gnat Line
Southern Mamas
Southern Somedays
The Pied Piper of Lynn Street
Will Think 4 Wine
Yes, They Are All Mine
Do you know about a Georgia blog regarding family and everyday life I haven’t listed? Please contact me at to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wordless: Swan House

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Georgia Bloggers: Politics
Article of Faith
aTypical Joe
Banter in Atlanter
Bill Shipp Online
Blog For Democracy
Blue Heart of Dixie
Buzz Blog
Cadillac Tight
Confessions of a Political Junkie
Cup O' Joe
Decatur Metro
Drifting Through the Grift
Georgia Back Roads
Georgia Federation of Democratic Women Grapevine
Georgia Legislative Watch
Georgia Politics Unfiltered
Georgia Porkbusters
Georgia Women Vote
Good Will Hinton
Grabbing Sand
Hot Flash Report
Jason Pye
Metro Political Report
Mitch Skandalakis
New Century Politics
Oconee Politics
Peach Pundit
Political Insider/AJC
Political Vine
Radical Georgia Moderate
The Georgia Conservative
The M Theory
The Other Athens
The Southern Soapbox
Tondee's Tavern
Young Democrats of Atlanta
Do you know about a Georgia blog regarding politics I haven’t listed? Please contact me at to let me know, or to advise any corrections that need to be made.
Monday, September 1, 2008
So, Where Ya Been EHT?