Are you on Pinterest? I have an account, but my four or five little boards
there are awfully lonely.
I’ve ignored Pinterest on purpose.
I’m afraid once I dive in there will be no saving me, and
I’ll spend too much of my time scrolling through the pretty images and forget
more pressing matters.
Every now and then I get a notification that someone new
is following my boards. I feel so bad and want to send them an apology letter
letting them know that one day…someday… my Pinterest boards will be more interesting.
I most certainly see the value of Pinterest just from the
pins that roll across my newsfeed on Facebook.
I see things I could forward to others...I saw this and
thought it might interest you…
Ideas that I could use thinking to myself...Oh, that
would be perfect for the bedroom.
All sorts of craft ideas that make me dream...Yes! I
can make that, too. I’ll try that…,
and then I laugh myself right out of the thought minutes later since I’m not
very crafty as in glue and thread kind of “crafty”.In 1892, when she was 15, Catherine Evans didn’t have Pinterest, of course, but she did see something she wanted to try. She saw a tufted bedspread someone had made prior to the Civil War. Catherine decided she wanted to try the technique.
She took a bodkin needle, a blunt needle used for pulling
something large through a piece of material, and tried her hand at tufting. The
tufts were made by pulling eight threads at a time through the material. Over
and over the threads would be pulled until the design was complete. Once the
fabric was washed and dried the tufts would be there to stay.
What began as a personal challenge to see if she could
recreate something turned into something she did over and over for family and
friends finally selling one for $2.50.
That’s where the story really takes off economically not
only for Catherine, but for nearly 10,000 women and their families across North
You see, after that first sale the orders just kept
coming. More and more folks were recruited to complete the tufting.
A cottage industry was born!
Gradually over time men were hired to work in stamping
facilities where the designs were made on plain white sheeting. There were various methods used to stamp the
fabric, but one way was to lay a plain
piece of sheeting over a completed tufted spread.
Blocks of melted paraffin with bluing would be rubbed
across it. The tufting underneath would leave marks and form a pattern to
Sheeting stamped with designs would be delivered to homes
where the women would complete the tufting. Once the design was complete the
sheeting would be washing in hot water shrinking the fabric which in turn would
hold the threads in place. The sheeting would be tossed over the clothes lines
for drying which helped the tufting to “fluff”.
Hanging the sheeting over the clotheslines with the
bright colors and interesting designs was also a great way to advertise the
bedspreads, and fairly soon the route down Highway 41 between Cartersville and
Dalton became known as “Bedspread Alley”.
Eventually, real manufacturing centers were set up while
the orders came in from all over the place.
There are stories though the ladies didn’t always wait for the orders to
arrive. Sometimes they would simply pack up 15 bedspreads along with an invoice
and mail them off to a northern department store. When the first invoice was paid without
question the ladies also received an additional order for more bedspreads. The process
was repeated over and over with department stores all over the place.
The demand for tufted items grew – house robes, rugs,
wall hangings, and house shoes.
If you’ve ever wondered how the Dalton area became
home to the carpet industry you only have to look back as far as the ladies who
made tufted or chenille bedspreads. The tufting process eventually led to wool
fibers being used with jute resulting in Dalton’s carpet industry.
Hmm, I wonder what I might find on Pinterest that could
be the next cottage industry in Georgia?You just never know….