Just Sharing a Story – This blog has a family connection of the most important kind. This blog promotes the new children’s book titled The Gift by Karen Craft. She just happens to be my sister. You can read my own book review of The Gift here, and if you visit Just Sharing a Story you can purchase the book at the site.
The Barefoot Photographer – Donna has a great blog centered around her love of photography. Her “about” states, “Her favorite subjects include old houses, spiders, cemeteries, and frogs. In 2006, Donna began teaching photography and formed the Fayette Photo Club. " Check out her website here where you can find out more about her photography classes.
You can see some

Green Peaches – The tagline at this blog states, “Atlanta, Environment, Sustainability, Life”, and the “about us” page states, “Green Peaches strives to provide interesting and useful information about environmental and sustainability issues in the Atlanta area.” Check out Michael's latest post regarding Earth Day events in Atlanta including events for the entire week.
If you have a Georgia blog and would like for me to add you to the blogroll please contact me at gamind@mail.com to request a link.
Please remember the next Georgia blog carnival will May 8th here at Georgia on My Mind. You can submit your post to the carnival here . Please remember to keep submissions down to two and they must be dated within the last 30 days to keep the carnival relevant.