Welcome to the very first edition of the The Carnival of Georgia Bloggers. The carnival mirrors our great state in diversity and personality. There is something here for everyone.
Please support these wonderful writers with comments and links!
Model Consumer who posts regularly at Sort of Like Electronic Bathroom Graffiti shares the post Policy Debate Via Restroom Defacement recently published at AthensWorld.com, a group blog. Go on over and make your thoughts known.
One of the things I teach my fourth graders, over and over and over, is to make an attempt to connect to their audience when they are crafting written compositions. Over at Oh, The Joys, WHERE EVERYDAY IS THE SAME, Oh, the Joy has crafted a wonderful tribute to her brother and a special Christmas they “ruined” titled Little Brother. When you see the number of comments she has already received for her composition I’m sure you will agree Oh, the Joy has connected to her readers. Whether you have a sibling or you’ve always wanted one you just have to read this post.
A over at Baby Cheapskate gives us A Very Baby Cheapskate Top Ten, a round up of several posts concerning saving money and being just plain thrify.
South of the Gnat Line, besides being a most appropriate name for a Georgia blog, is a fantastic family site that journals homeschool efforts, farm efforts and just plain effort at dealing with those gnats that seem to fill the southern part of Georgia. Harriette Keen Jacobs entertains us with Why the Dirt Road?, Have You Seen My Cat?, and Annie Oakley Was Always My Hero.
Marilyn Mobley’s blog, Remain Relevant in Changing Times, attempts to teach people how to remain relevant. I’ve read a few posts at her site and can testify she taught me a few things or two and did it in an entertaining manner. I wonder if she’d sub for me sometime? She shares her views on Apple and how they are succeeding at maintaining relevancy in her her post Plane and Simple: Apple Scores Again With Ipods in the Air.
David Parker is a History professor at Kennesaw State University. His almost brand new blog, Another History Blog, is quickly amassing a devoted following for the interesting tidbits he offers up. See what I mean by reading More Than Ya'll Wanted to Know About Ya'll.
Otter, describes Grasping For the Wind as a a litblog and weaves an interesting book review in the post The Left Hand of Darkness. Otter recommends the book, but offers a warning as well.
Splitcat Chintzibobs from The Ohoopee Letter News advises his site is a bit about teaching, the adventures of his family, and tragically, a small bit of politics. His wonderful post, Monday Miscellany Living and Dead, confirms that cemetaries are great big primary sources. I'd like to hear about the source for the name Splitcat Chintzibobs!
Peach Pod from Peaches and Purls posts a great list of advice for any person wishing to move to the South in her post Guide to Georgia. She provides information on sweet tea, the real religion of the South, and many other practical tidbits of “fitting in”.
The final carnival submission is from History Is Elementary, my other site. Scavenging For My Past, Part 4 is about a trip I made to the land my childhood home stood on. I reflect on my memories and how the land has changed.
Well, there you have it. The next carnival will be posted on Friday, January 19th here at Georgia On My Mind. Submissions can be forwarded to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form here. Submissions should be received no later than January 18th at 6 p.m.
Thank you to everyone who has helped to get the word out by posting about or linking to the carnival. Please keep it up!
What a wonderful carnival - and a surprise entry!
I'd love to add the Blogging Georgians blogroll to my site. If you send me the code, I'd be happy to do that. My e-mail address is on my site.
A wonderful idea that you have here! I wish you continued success on this and I'll definately place a link "ad" to it at the Dew!
What a great idea!
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