Well it’s carnival time again and the submissions continue to be as diverse as our wonderful state. Thanks to everyone who continues to pass the word along, link to the carnival, and send Georgia bloggers my way for the blogroll.
As you work your way through our worthy submissions this week please leave the blog owners a comment to let them know you stopped by via the carnival. I end the carnival this week with information about the next carnival and some questions about upcoming carnivals….make sure you leave me your thoughts in my comments. :)
Splitcat Chintzibobs of the The Ohoopee Letter News is teaching the Civil War and he has a couple of deep, dark secrets to share. He “fesses up” in his post A Shot in the Dark.
Got Bible? is a new blog regarding biblical history and basically anything else that is Bible related including art written by Elisheva. Discover the Major and Minor Leagues in a post that includes angels, Italian art, and hot coals.
Grasping For the Wind's Otter gives us a Reminder of Bravery to celebrate those who serve in Iraq.
LaLa over at Tra La La Online says her site isn’t a blog. She describes it as a “live magazine”. I agree. She provides picture proof with her post Paris Hilton Goes in for the Kill, and she wants to know what you think.
Griftdrift of Drifting Through the Grift reminds us that there was another Civil Rights remembrance this week other than Dr. King’s birthday. He provides a wonderful look back to 20 Years Ago. I’m impressed with Griftdrift’s blogging endurance….46 posts so far in January. How does he do it?
Dave over at TailOverTeaKettle.com is a new participant in the carnival and I hope he will begin to submit more posts as time goes by. After reading another blogger’s post he headlines his own post Libraries Beginning to Devolve. I agree. Have you been in a public library lately?
The carnival has been provided a wonderful Georgia history lesson I will be sharing with my fourth graders next week. Georgia On My Mind’s resident history professor, David Parker from Another History Blog educates us all with Pledge of Allegiance--to the Georgia Flag
Every mother does it sooner or later…the author over at Southern Somedays, Belle Ah, discusses the complications that can arise when Cupcakes are taken to school.
Even though I am currently a public school educator I strongly support the right of any parent to homeschool or place their child in private school including religious schools. As I was visiting several Georgia blogs this week I noticed Belle Ah’s family has been fairly busy with a new Christian school in North Georgia. See her post here to find out about Georgia’s newest school. I’ve often thought how challenging and rewarding it would be to be involved in the formation of a new charter or private school.
“People will only be intrigued by church or Christian life when they see something provocative or attractive.” Whoa…..that really grabbed my attention when I visited The Provocative Church, a blog written by Bill Reichart, a pastor at Big Creek Church. I was so happy to see he accepted my invitation and forwarded this thought provoking piece The Not So Simple Life of the Church. I’m on the way to the bookstore as I type…..
Finally, we end with a little fun. One of my posts from History Is Elementary resulted in a few chuckles in the blogosphere earlier this week as folks clicked-through expecting my regular historical image. History can be fun, and this image proves it.
So there you have it…edition two. The next edition will be found at this website on Friday, February 2, 2007. Submissions will be accepted through 6 p.m. eastern time on Thursday, February 1st. Submissions can be emailed to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form here. The prior edition of the carnival can be found here.
Many carnivals accept third-party entries where someone submits a post they really liked from another site. The few times this has happened to one of my posts I was very flattered. Please feel free to submit your own post or a Georgia post that you think others might like to view.
If you are a Georgia blogger and would like to be included on the blogroll here at My Mind Is on Georgia please email me and I will add you to the blogroll. I’ve been thinking about making the blogroll available so that Georgia bloggers can copy/paste the links directly onto their site. The only reason I haven’t yet is I’ve linked to several people without their permission. What is YOUR opinion on this?
Finally….this isn’t a ME thing. Hosting is open to any Georgia blogger who would like to host the carnival at his/her site. Let me know if you would be interested and I’ll put you down for an upcoming date. Hosting is great way to pick up some visitors and make new friends.
I think this is a wonderful idea. I know of several Georgia bloggers. I am one of them.
As for the linking... if they do not want to be link then they can make their blog non public.
Keep up the good work! One of these days.. I'm going to submit something.
I don't normally remove comments, however, the above was a very offensive, extremely long tirade about something that didn't really make sense. :)
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