Just when we thought I was done for this week…..
Here are three more blogroll additions. Thanks for wanting to participate in my little project.
The Beef Jerky Blog What an interesting title…who knew? We’ll be hearing from this site in the upcoming Georgia blog carnival this next Friday.
Georgia Law Blog when the page opens look for link in the left middle for the Georgia Law Blog…Ah, it takes me back to my days as a paralegal---summary judgements, bond hearings, etc.
Basic Accounting Blog Look for an entry from this blog in next week’s carnival as well.
Many thanks to these worthy bloggers for contacting me.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Is Your Site on the Georgia Blogroll?

If you would like to receive the code to add the blogroll to your site I will be more than happy to provide it. Simply email me at gamind@mail.com
I’m also wondering about dividing the blogroll into categories so that folks can find what they are looking for. Just a thought…..what’s your opinion?
Here are the newest additions.
Red Clay Commerce This blog explores business news from Georgia and beyond from the perspective of a seminary-educated Lake Country mortgage advisor
Life At Number 17 Ms. G states she is a lover of: good books, good baking, good gardens and people who follow their hearts while doing good things along the way
Georgia Podcast Network Georgia’s best podcasts in one location
Joeventures Interesting links and comments….
Savannah Red made his Georgia On My Mind debut in the last Georgia Carnival…today he’s writing about parent responsibility. Yay!
Georgia Peach Slices A great blog from a retired couple in Roswell. A nice friendly spot.
Do You Have Issues? Margaret offers a great spot where she writes about many issues.
Metro Political Report the site states The Metro Political Report web site is the home page for the weekly political email calendar detailing Republican events around Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb, and beyond. Sent out once a week on Thursday night, the Metro Political Report allows Republican activists to learn more about the upcoming events in their area as well as information regarding current elected officials, political candidates, and general topics of interest in the news. Independent of outside control, the MPR strives to be a balanced resource for individuals seeking Republican events and updates without excess spin, fluff, or bias.
The Dustin Inman Society The Dustin Inman Society is dedicated to educating the public and our elected officials on the consequences of illegal immigration, our un-secured borders and the breakdown of the rule of law in our Republic.
Life As I See It Lillinda has also contributed to the Georgia Carnival. Recently she was writing about a dead body at Walmart and how dogs get married.
Salterblog.com this author writes about everything from hiking to how libralism and television viewing can be linked.
An Entrepreneur's Journey the personal blog of the owner of What A Concept!...another Georgia blogroll participant
The Other Athens contrary to what many believe alternative political viewpoints do exisit in Athens
Blue in Redsville As a liberal living in conservative South Georgia, I have a lot to vent about.
Tondee's Tavern a practical and useful blog for the benefit of progressives…There was a Tondee’s Tavern in Georgia history that was very instrumental in the events in our state before, during, and after the Revolution. Check out the link at the bottom of this site’s page on the right.
Georgia Votes Edwards I think the title is self-describing
About Atlanta, GA a blog about intown happenings
Have fun visiting these new reads!
Does Your President Have the Highest Approval Rating?

My latest offering over at American Presidents Blog takes a look at a Wall Street Journal graphic offering regarding presidential approval ratings and how the graphics could be used in the classroom.
Come see how your guy stacks up!
Many thanks to the Wall Street Journal for activating my “how can I use this in the classroom” brain and many thanks to my fellow Georgian, Pastor Bill over at Provocative Church for providing the clue that this article existed.
(cross posted to History Is Elementary)
Thursday, June 28, 2007
An Explanation for Mystery Pictures

The first picture is seen here. A blogging friend of mine, The Tour Marm, had also posted an image and was asking for folks to identify it. I left a comment for her this afternoon and identified the picture as Oscar Solomon Straus, Secretary of Commerce and Labor under President Theodore Roosevelt. He is the brother of Isidor Straus who perished on the Titantic along with his wife. She chose to die with her husband rather than escape with the other women and children in the lifeboats.
There are actually two Georgia connections that I can think of. The first is Isidor Straus who owned Macy’s Department Store. It wasn’t too long ago that Macy’s bought out Davison’s, a longtime Atlanta staple. Then the large conglomerate that owned Macy’s purchased another local department store----Rich’s.
I’m one of “those” who refuses to refer to “my favorite department store” as Macy’s. It will always be Rich’s to me.
A second Georgia connection has more to do with Theodore Roosevelt. His mother Mittie married Theodore’s father in Roswell, Georgia at Bulloch Hall.
The second mystery image was over at History Is Elementary. Many people had tried to discover the identity of the structure I posted and how it figured into American History.
Georgia’s own Grift Drift from Drifting Through the Grift correctly identified the location.
Way to go!
I provided more details about the picture here.
Bulloch Hall,
Mittie Roosevelt,
Theodore Roosevelt
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Mystery Pictures
A blogging friend of mine has a mystery picture up over at her site. She states there is a Georgia connection. Go visit the Educational Tour Marm. Do you know who THIS is?
Also I have a picture not from Georgia history over at my other site, History Is Elementary. Can you identify it? There are several hints given in the comments. The winner always earns a link in my explanation post.
Also I have a picture not from Georgia history over at my other site, History Is Elementary. Can you identify it? There are several hints given in the comments. The winner always earns a link in my explanation post.
Monday, June 25, 2007
A Shameless Plug :)
My other blog, History Is Elementary has been nominated for a Bloggers Choice Award for education. I would appreciate your vote. The link to my other site and information about voting can be found HERE.
The newest edition of the Georgia Carnival is posted below.
The newest edition of the Georgia Carnival is posted below.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Georgia Carnival 12

Politics and Law
Where have you been if you aren’t familiar with the Genarlo Wilson saga? There have been many posts and many more comments on various sites this week…….here's the latest posted by Erick at Peach Pundit
I’m Convinced Dick Cheney Needs to be Impeached….so says Andre over at Georgia Politics Unfiltered.
Financial Knowledge
Tushar from Life of a Resident Alien offers You Know You're In Financial Trouble If..., Getting the Best Deal on AirFares, and Understanding How Bonds Work.
Are you lonely? Pastor Bill from Provocative Church wants you to know that Loneliness Can Kill You...
Humor and Introspection
I'm thinking that the Front Porch Tearoom in Perry, GA has never had an ass as hairy as mine sit in their chairs. In fact, I'm sure of it.
…and that’s how Savannah Red makes his Georgia Carnival debut with a very insightful post about women and their secret powers. Yeah, we got ‘em!
Head on over and see how this husband survived a visit to The Front Porch Tearoom in Perry, Georgia. (…and yes, before you wonder…Savannah Red had been added to the Georgia blogroll).
From Yellow Rose’s Garden Cute Things Kids Say in Church.
Are you a quick change artist? How many different hats do you wear in one day? Ellie Bee at What Now? shares a a quick video and a list of her different hats during the day.
Living in a Techie World
Many in the Georgia Blogosphere throw about terms like social media at will and that leaves me to feel ancient and eons behind the technology curve. What a Concept! Gives a little insight into social media, virtual worlds, and lifelogging in the post The Metaverse: Virtual Worlds and Lifelogging
Shelbinator confesses: Well, I knew this would happen. Trying to reach out and touch so many people, so many all at once, most of whom are complete strangers, in a reckless, just-for-kicks, damn-the-consequences little internet tryst is finally catching up with me. I have the Ronpes.
Gee, Shelbinator…I hope it’s not catching.
See what he’s talking about in his post That Boy Gets Around Hint Hint
It may be summer, but education news simply doesn’t stop. Did you hear a middle school recently banned all touching between students including high fives, etc.? Here is Splitcat Chintzibobs take on the whole thing in his post Mid Week Miscellany: The Wiggles and Pirates Too
Great Summer Reads
Susie over at Susie Pie provides a well written book review on Peony in Love. I’m intrigued and will take a look just because of her mention of the Chinese afterworld. Hmmmmmm……
Mel over at Blog For Democracy has posted a reference to a new book called The Political Brain by an Emory professor. Click over to The Political Brain for the details concerning a free book signing event at Manuel’s Tavern on June 25th.
Otter from Grasping For the Wind provides a book review for The Road.
Ruthlace gives us a look back at Class Relations in the 1930s. This is an interesting look back at mill town mentality and other memories of life during a time that seems to have disappeared. Have we really come a long way since then? What do you think?
The next edition of the carnival will be found here two weeks from today. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
Komen Community Challenge is Currently Underway

Here’s some of the text:
Every woman diagnosed with breast cancer is someone’s sister, mother, best friend, or child. And every one of them deserves an equal chance at early detection and treatment that could save their life. You get it. We get it. Does the Georgia State Legislature get it? Right now, thousands of women in our state are not getting the breast health care and screening services they need because of access and funding gaps in our healthcare system. This weekend the Komen Community Challenge is underway.
I apologize to the organizers for not posting this sooner.
The website for the Atlanta Chapter is HERE.
Komen Community Challenge is headed to Atlanta to "Close the Gap" in access to quality health care, research and information. We need you, your voice, and your passion for change - so mark your calendars with a pink ribbon and join us beginning Wednesday June 20 - Saturday, June 23 for a variety of activities.
Visit here for More Information.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Georgia Carnival Submissions Are Due
The Georgia Carnival will post sometime tomorrow, Friday, June 22nd.
Posts written by Georgia bloggers can be nominated by someone else or the author can submit their own post.
Submissions should be sent to me at gamind@mail.com or use the Blog Carnival submission form. Please forward your submissions before midnight tonight.
Posts written by Georgia bloggers can be nominated by someone else or the author can submit their own post.
Submissions should be sent to me at gamind@mail.com or use the Blog Carnival submission form. Please forward your submissions before midnight tonight.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The Connection Between Red Skelton and 'under God'
Friday, June 8, 2007
Georgia Carnival 11

So What Are You Doing With the Men In Your Life This Summer?
How many times have your kids already said I’m bored this summer? 30Plusteacher has the answer. In fact her answer is great for any boy from 6 to 96. Check out her post from Best Practices in Education…Boy Boredom: A Way to Stop the Madness.
Lillinda from Life As I See It makes her Georgia Carnival debut with her post Summer School. It’s not what you are thinking, but any female with males in the house can certainly understand where she’s coming from.
Blogging and Technology
Are you linked in? Networking on Steroids from Remaining Relevant in Changing Times asks your opinion.
Maybe it’s just me but since the advent of VCRs I’ve had a difficult time keeping up with changing technology. Just as I buy the newest version I find out my technology is already obsolete. Rabbit Ears from Article of Faith continues the saga.
I’ll miss Doug Monroe from Peachtree Screed. In case you missed it here is his goodbye post.
Out and About in Georgia
Salterblog.com makes a debut here at the Georgia Carnival by sharing Reminiscing on Hiking
Speaking of hiking….I wrote about a place in North Georgia this week which was once a thriving community and is now simply a favorite haunt of hikers and anglers. It’s in The Pocket.
When is the last time you ventured out to the Georgia Renaissance Festival? Bell-Ah from Southern Somedays has gone and she tells us all about it here and here.
Chicken Fat has been out and about as well. Check out his Thursday Morning Adventures
"What are schools supposed to do with $1200 of foreign language materials if there are no teachers who can teach Spanish?"asks the Augusta Observer in a piece titled Spanish Programs to Be Cut at Stephens.
Let me tell you…Spelling is Tough Stough so says Terrell from Alone on a Limb. He says, “ Each year I choose one week as the One Word Spelling Test Week. I announce to my students the good news that there will be only one word on the Friday spelling test that week. And then I hit them with the bad news that the one is the "Longest Word in Webster's Third". What do YOU think the word is? Could you learn to spell it from memory?
Many of us simply eat up the predictions that are brought forth each and every New Year and, then we promptly forget them. Do any of them hold weight? Lyn at Sleepless Juggler posts some past Predictions published in her school’s staff newsletter that are pretty interesting.
Self Help
Confessions of a Resident Alien knows how your Credit Score Breaks Down and Gives Some Ways to Boost It.
Everyday Life Musings
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be addressed by the correct title once someone has mastered the requirements for a certain level in their professional life. Audacity gives us some background concerning the word colonel in That's Ms. Colonel to You.
Are you of the opinion that pastors have it down and all thought out? Pastor Bill gives us Five Reasons Why I Won't Lead My Wife. His post is very honest and I’m sure many men could see themselves in the pastor’s shoes.
I think every community should have equal access to a Kroger or Publix. Doesn’t it fall under "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"? Long time Doraville citizens are circulating petitions to express their views regarding the inclusion of traditional American grocery stores in their area. Dora-Blog though has the answer…The Way to Bring Kroger or Publix to Doraville.
Questing Parson had a visit the other day from a young lady, and she had some opinions About Funerals.
A La Gauche gives us Two More Reasons I'm Socialist
Several people have weighed in on WSB-TV reporter Dale Cardwell’s announcement concerning the U.S. Senate. If the election were held today I’d vote for…..Atlanta Public Affairs tells us here.
Did you see the news clip of the Alabama legislator throwing a punch at another legislator? Peach Pundit posted Charles Bishop Gets Into a Fist Fight with links to the story and video. Thank the Lord is was Alabama……:)
The race for President is getting tougher says Cadillac Tight. Check out John Edwards Tough Guy.
Confessions of a Political Junkie takes a look at another aspect of the illegal alien question. Erick makes some very valid points in his post Slavery in Georgia 2007.
The next edition of the carnival will be found here two weeks from today. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form.
Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Carnival Submissions Are Due
The Georgia Carnival will post sometime Friday, June 8th. Posts written by Georgia bloggers can be nominated by someone else or the author can submit their own post.
Submissions should be sent to me at gamind@mail.com or use the Blog Carnival submission form. Please forward your submissions before midnight tomorrow.
Submissions should be sent to me at gamind@mail.com or use the Blog Carnival submission form. Please forward your submissions before midnight tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Changing Pockets

I agree. Pockets do change, but what you might not realize is the word pocket can mean more than a place to keep your money before it flies out into another’s pocket.
Sometime ago over at History Is Elementary I posted Historians Observe Their Surroundings. The post centers around an activity I use at the beginning of the year to help students understand our geography is constantly changing. Twenty years ago would you recognize the place where your home or office sits? Fifty years ago? One hundred years ago? Two hundred years ago? Mother Earth is constantly changing due to natural and human circumstances.
Do we give the past a second thought as we drive through our state? Do we wonder what might have once been in a pine thicket we zoom by along the interstate? Look at the picture I’ve posted above. It seems like a very rural, natural setting. Notice the ridge line. It’s important to my point.
Geographically speaking a “pocket” is a plain surrounded entirely by mountains and amazingly Georgia has one of these rare geographical features. Georgiatrails.com advises a pocket is a geologic formation that was formed when most of Northwest Georgia was covered by a vast sea. Imagine that! Weaker limestone was eroded and left the surrounding iron ore ridges. Out west this type of formation is known as a “hole” and two of the most famous are Jackson Hole and Hole in the Wall.
An article entitled Remembering the Pocket by Daniel M. Roper from the Winter, 1994 issue of North Georgia Journal explores the history of Georgia’s pocket enclave that is now virtually abandoned except for hikers and fishermen who make the trek inside.
Hardy settlers first reached the pocket following the land lottery that was a result of the Treaty of New Echota which provided for the sale of the remaining Cherokee lands in Georgia. Many who received the right to own land in the area were elderly and they simply sold their right to settle to younger and hardier pioneer stock.
Between the 1840s and 1860s settlers carved out a settlement in The Pocket which had several farms as well as a gristmill and sawmill located on Johns Creek in the narrow gap between Johns and Horn mountains. A blast furnace also existed which utilized the iron ore from Horn Mountain and formed wash pots and skillets.
Researchers have been able to learn many things about the life of The Pocket settlers from journals and letters. James Elijah White and his son L.P. White maintained a journal from 1835 until 1935. The article refers to several entries that are just simply observations of daily life in The Pocket. Here is a sampling:
“Their was the greatest yield of hickory nuts in 1895”
“The night of May the 24 (1908) it rained a frog down the chimney.”
“On September 1913 John Blasengaines left for Oklahoma for the charge of fornication”
“1919 January the 12, Sunday morning a aroplane flew over this valley today about ½ after 9”
“Me and Sarah Elizabeth went to Villanow to hear holy rollers.”
The article advises by the 1890s there were several hundred people living in the valley. Farming and logging were the primary industries with tan bark being the most lucrative. Chestnut oaks were in abundance. The bark was hauled to the rails at Hill City to be taken to a tannery in Chattanooga. The tannin was then used on animal hides.
The Pocket was touched by the Civil War when the Army of the Tennessee, commanded by Sherman’s lieutenant, Major General James B. McPherson, marched through Snake Creek Gap—the strategic route between Horn and Rocky Face Mountains—and flanked the Confederate army at Dalton. The Confederates retreated to Resaca where they engaged the Federal army in a major battle on May 14 and 15, 1864.
Georgiatrails.com advises when advancing through the area during the Civil War, men under the command of General James McPherson “discovered” the road, which was not on their maps. A great deal of concern was expressed in the Official Records about the accuracy of the maps.
Samuel Pilcher was a Pocket resident who served with the “Wright Infantry”. He was one of the lucky Confederates who made it home and lived along life farming on his land in the valley. He died in 1897 and his grave is maintained by the U.S. Forest Service. A nearby pond, Pilcher’s Pond, is named for him and many anglers have sought this secluded spot to wet a hook.
George W. Bailey was a Confederate from The Pocket who experienced being a prisoner of war. He served with the “Calhoun Blues” and was captured by Union troops in August, 1864 during the Battle of Atlanta. He was finally released from Fort McHenry nine months later where he returned to The Pocket and raised a large family.
The Pocket experienced many years of prosperity following the Civil War, however, by the 1940s most residents had left the area creating a virtual ghost valley. The combination of the boll weevil and The Great Depression hit The Pocket’s agrarian economy hard. Many residents were lured away by the offer of jobs in the factories and mills of Rome and Dalton.
The Pocket is a valley south of the community of Villanow, surrounded on three sides by the steep rocky ridges of Horn and Johns Moutains. To reach The Pocket you need to travel north on I-75 to the exit for Resaca (Highway 136). Travel 15 miles to the town of Villanow and take a left on East Armuchee Road. There are signs to follow by the byway that is known by hikers and bikers as the Pocket Trail”. Eventually if you follow the signs you are led back to the famous general store. Some sites mention that the signs at the left turn onto US 27 and the left turn onto Floyd Springs Road might be missing. Additional information regarding the location of the pocket can be found at Northern Georgia Scenic Drives.
Georgiatrails.com advises the area is rich in Native American, Civil War, and Civilian Conservation Corps history. Other attractions include Keown Falls, the Johns Mountain Overlook, Johns Creek, Johns Mountain Wildlife Management Area, and the Pinhoti Trail.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Atlanta Bloggers--Who Matters? and....A Few Additions to the Blogroll

Nouraee states:
“Instead of displacing the traditional news media, challenging the mainstream news and entertainment media’s backside—or foisting great-but-previously-undiscovered talents on the city—blogging in Atlanta is, by and large, a medium for self-expression.”
Basically it would seem Nouraee boils local blogs down to two kinds……personal self-expressive blogs or “bloggers who attempt to reach beyond their circles of acquaintances, either by doing something completely unique, or doing something better than just about anyone else.”
I guess he’s right about that…..some blogs stand out when lined up against others including that large, large category of day-to-day journal type blogs. Personally I think both types of blogs have their purpose and are beneficial to the writers and to their readers. I find many journal type blogs very interesting and many have very unique styles.
I think the whole thing just becomes a matter of preference.
Nouraee’s criteria for his short list was to name blogs that reach out and that are unique…..I think he did a great job meeting his criteria. Two of the blogs are already on the Georgia blogroll: Peach Pundit and Peachtree Screed. The other three are: I Saw It on Ponce, Cable and Tweed, and Inside the Oversexed Mind of Gloria Brame (Shhhhhh…..she’s a sex therapist).
Click on the link I gave at the beginning and read the interviews with these fine Atlanta bloggers. The comments…all fifty plus are interesting and downright Jerry Springer-ish in some places. As with ANY blogging list some are upset and have said their piece. It would seem there is a “history” with some of these folks and I…..lowly teacher that I am I am not part of Atlanta’s “social media”. I don’t know why Nouraee’s list has ruffled so many feathers. In the education blogosphere we have list after list after list. Some you make…..some you don’t.
The blogging world, including Atlanta’s small corner of it, is vast in its variety.
Those that are only into media type blogs won’t enjoy my history posts here at Georgia On My Mind or my posts over at History Is Elementary, you might not enjoy the wonderful convicting posts of Pastor Bill, the amazing drawings and stories at Idle Minutes, or the book reviews of Otter, but I assure you there is something for everyone IF they take the time to look.
I believe Creative Loafing now understands there are quite a bit more bloggers out and about than they realized at first, AND there are entirely too many niche blogs to make one list. I liked the suggestions concerning allowing people to link to their sites in the comments much like the AJC. I also think the Atlanta…..the Georgia blogosphere… could have been looked at a bit more critically before posting the initial story. Maybe they could begin a feature titled “blog of the week” or some such….just a thought.
Regarding the Georgia blogroll I’m a bit behind in adding some folks who recently were featured in the ninth and tenth editions of the Georgia Carnival. Here they are:
Life of a Resident Alien
Sweet Georgia Blue
Brick Cheney
No Credit Needed
Augusta Observer
Three Sticks
Thanks to Nouraee’s article I found these sites as well…….I hope they don’t mind being included on the Georgia blogroll and their participation in the next Georgia Carnival would be welcome.
Going Through the Motions
Atlanta Malcontent
Chamblee 54
Ben Prisk-----make sure you scroll down to his “Links” to click through to his Squidbillies site
What a Concept!
Finally…………Creative Loafing’s question of the week states “What’s on your blogroll?” Click through HERE and let them know about all the little gems you hold near and dear to your heart.
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